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View Full Version : Sea King

28th Feb 2003, 01:56
A Canadian Forces Sea King has crashed on the deck of HMCS Iroquois. Some injuries but none fatal. Early report says it lost power on take off. Iroquois returning to Halifax with helicopter lashed to deck on its side.

Present speculation is engine failure right after take off.

After an excellent landing you can use the airplane again!

left one o clock
1st Mar 2003, 08:21
Can you provide a link to the source of this info?

1st Mar 2003, 13:35
Certainly in all the newspapers here and Canadian TV news. HMCS Iroquois has turned around and is returning to Halifax. She was supposed to be C&C for the protective force in the gulf. I guess that duty isn't very important otherwise they'd just push the wreck over the side and proceed. Much scandal about the government cancelling the replacement contract (Cormorants) for political reasons.

After an excellent landing you can use the airplane again!

1st Mar 2003, 14:24
Try this:


3rd Mar 2003, 19:30
Here's another: http://www.aero-news.net/news/military.cfm?ContentBlockID=8258