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View Full Version : West midlands training advice

22nd Aug 2001, 20:02
Would anyone like to recommend where to train in the west midlands for PPL?? I am based in Selly Oak (south birmingham) and assumed coventry airport would be the best bet?? One consideration is I'm 6'5" so a 152 might be a bit uncomfortable to learn in.
Many thanks for any info,

22nd Aug 2001, 20:10
Why not consider Wolverhampton Business Airport? (Used to be called Halfpenny Green - a much better name!)

I trained with C & S Aviation last year and they are excellent - cannot recommend them enough. I did my PPL intensively over 7 weeks (due to crap wx) and had no problems with a/c or instructor availability.

With your height I would go for a PA28 - the one I preferred at C & S was GGFCF.

Good luck


Ex Oggie
22nd Aug 2001, 20:13
Take a drive over to Wellesbourne and have a look around, there are several schools to choose from there. Nice friendly and well kept airfield. Its much improved over the last few years.


Delta Wun-Wun
22nd Aug 2001, 21:00
I also trained at Halfpenny Green.....Now fly out of Coventry with Almat Flying Club....A 150 is about £74.50 with Instructor ....They have two 172`s (more leg room) at about £94.00 with Instructor.

22nd Aug 2001, 22:24
Thanks alot for the information, I will look into the places mentioned.
Any more comments would be much appreciated.
Thanks again.

22nd Aug 2001, 23:12
Delta Wun Wun ..... the webs own ALMAT billboard. :D I knew you'd have posted here. They gave you a job didn't they .... well you've sold it to me - any chance of some details???


22nd Aug 2001, 23:23
Entire post deleted cause AB cried about it :D

[ 23 August 2001: Message edited by: MikeSamuel ]

Delta Wun-Wun
23rd Aug 2001, 02:16
Ah Autofly,you`re back then from the land downunder then.Can`t wait to see your hat with the corks on.
:D :D :D :D
I`ve e-mailed you ....loads of gossip to catch up on.

23rd Aug 2001, 11:16
Mike, I don't fly sheds :D...... surely it the aircraft that matters. If the poor bod that nicks my cash at the end of the flight lives in 20 year old potting shed ...... well thats for him to sort out with the his employer. The club I fly with have great facilities but I reckon I pay for it though everytime I get in one of their aircraft. This is something that everyone should think about when choosing a school/club.

DWW, you e-mail doesn't seem to be working?? I've tried a couple of times and can't send you mail even though I had that mail from you?? Its probably me. Cheers for those rates. You should post them. Makes for a good read.


23rd Aug 2001, 13:25
Thank you Mike... but watch your back....

Delta Wun-Wun
23rd Aug 2001, 16:55
It`s probably down to my ISP...Telewest their service seems to be getting worse....perhaps they would like me to sign up for their superduper ISP at £25/mth...I think not.(Oh and in case Telewest are reading this and don`t know who I am I am the bloke that rings up every week complaining about your service!)
I don`t mind posting the prices of the club I fly at as long as WWW/Scroggs says it is okay.....No I don`t work for them....I found them after I had completed my PPL...Had I found them before I would have saved £2000.I have searched most of the local airfields and these seem to be the cheapest...unless you pay up front.
A mate from work as just started doing his PPL there and the standard of Instruction seems as good as anywhere else.Just trying to save folks some money. :)

23rd Aug 2001, 17:28
I too would recommend C&S Aviation. One of the owners did my PPL and ME GFTs a number of years ago when he was CFI elsewhere before setting up C&S. Thoroughly nice guys and decent aircraft

Considering them for my CPL. Have a chat with them.

Delta Wun-Wun
23rd Aug 2001, 21:51
Ready Message,
Was that with Ace Air as was?

24th Aug 2001, 01:06
I did my ME with AceAir but my PPL at Welshpool. Chris Caine was the CFI at Welshpool and then moved to AceAir before setting up C&S Aviation. Chris was great from day 1 of my PPL. A great & patient instructor and a very fair examiner