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View Full Version : Multiflight Again!

22nd Aug 2001, 16:23

This goes out to anyone who trained at Multiflight, just wanted to know if you stayed at/near the airport if so how much did you spend on accmodation and whereabouts was it? Or did you commute in, i live 45-55mins away so don't think it would be a good idea to commute everyday to do my CPL and FIC.

Cheers :p

22nd Aug 2001, 20:53
I drive to LBA, 1 hour each way. No sweat if you're used to long-distance commuting (I actually find an hours drive each way rather therapeutic!!!!)

From which direction will you be driving to LBA - North or South?

Use the A1 and then the Tadcaster-Otley road if at all possible - most other routes are usually chocka especially the ones from the South of LBA through Leeds or Bradford.

22nd Aug 2001, 21:33
Cheers foghorn,

However just managed to blag FREE lodgings at my aunty's who lives about 2 miles down the road.