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14th Oct 2001, 21:51
I returned to the UK from Australia about a month ago having completed my ICAO PPL. Obviously, I've had to completely re-think my masterplan for becoming a commercial pilot and in any case I've got plenty to do at the moment (converting to the JAA PPL, paying of debts, etc.)

I'm not going to bother wittering on about the current situation, other than to say that reading the threads at pprune have been a great help and for that, I thank you all.

What I would like to do is ask some questions in regards to basic qualifications. I've been lucky enough to get 7 GCSEs and a BTEC NAT. DIP. in Travel and Tourism. A bit of a joke though, seeing as I'm now working in the IT industry!

I don't however, have any A-levels in Physics or Maths. Does this really matter? Can I just get some A-level books and put in some extra time before starting the ATPL? Is there any resource to find out specifically what I should revise?

Many thanks in advance!

17th Oct 2001, 15:49
I'm sorry to bring this particular subject up again, but I really would appreciate any advice that can be given.

If the A-levels are a must, then I'll go and do them. I'm not going to give up doing this for anything or anyone. ;)

I have however, heard from a CFI that suggests it would be better to simply complete all the modular training so that I'm on the seniority list, as that's what counts. Any views?

Many thanks


17th Oct 2001, 19:34
I'm just doing my A Levels now, including Maths and Physics.
The general answer to your question is that the subjects at A Level are needed for sponsorships, but if you are going alone they are not essential.
Even so, I should think they are a real advantage. Have a look at Letts revision books or the BBC revision websites if you want to see some A Level material.
Physics and Mechanics should be similar to some ATPL material...

Good Luck!

17th Oct 2001, 21:45
Thanks for that.

Sponsorship isn't really an option for me anyhow now as I'm cracking on for 28 now. :rolleyes:

I bought the letts books a little while ago and I've got my head stuck in them at the moment.

I'm not too worried about my abilities to be able to complete the groundschool with reasonable marks , but I just don't want it to come and slap me in the face when I'm trying for a position with an airline!

Good luck with the A-levels!

18th Oct 2001, 14:51
Nobody requires A-Levels in Maths and Physics specifically, however if you try to gain some A-Levels, especially in the current environment, it is another tick in the box, and transfereable skill if you were to be unsuccessful applying for flying positions. Do not underestimate extra qualifications and the effect they can have on pay, and bear in mind that much of the competition will have the same in terms of flying, but with extra qualifications can prove their aptitude and responsiveness to dealing with large amounts of information and being examinged on it more easily.