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View Full Version : Bye bye Wessii

20th Feb 2003, 21:05
Last ever flight of the Wessex in RAF service, today, Brize Norton -> Shawbury.

Sniff sniff etc.


Training Risky
20th Feb 2003, 21:13
Does that mean that 203(R) Sqn are now covering the shift at Aki?

And when does the Griffin come into service over there?

Anyone know?

PS: Were these piccies taken before or after the highly organised and deadly Oxford-students-allied-against-war-brigade penetrated the 'security' at Brize and made it to the runway?

Big Green Arrow
20th Feb 2003, 21:24
Despite quite an affinity with the old girl ( 2 tours and 2500hrs)... Mygod it's an ugly aircraft.

God bless.. bis du dienst wieder in Nord Irland!

Spot 4
20th Feb 2003, 21:40
Take the UJs off, slap a bit of green paint on and send them to NI.

Or so rumour has it!!!

20th Feb 2003, 22:17
Were these piccies taken before or after the highly organised and deadly Oxford-students-allied-against-war-brigade penetrated the 'security' at Brize and made it to the runway?

About an hour or so before.

Edit - moved the protest piccy to the Brize invaded thread.

Grob Driver
20th Feb 2003, 22:23

Did you take the photographs? They’re really nice!

Big Green Arrow, you’re right there… It is an UGLY aircraft, but still looks the part! Contradiction I know, bit a lot of the ‘ugly’ aircraft look the best (IMHO!)

So, what’s going to happen to them all? I could do with one in my back garden! :D :D

20th Feb 2003, 22:48
I am happy to report that two of them reported for logging duties in New Zealand recently.

Aaaaah, 203 Sqn - had something a bit larger in my day....

20th Feb 2003, 23:30
Grob Driver - yes - ta.

21st Feb 2003, 06:40
For grammatical correctness, the plural of Wessex is, of course, Wessices, not Wessii (which is the plural of Wessus).

:D :cool:

21st Feb 2003, 08:10
How the hell am I going to get that last precious blast of fuel filled warm air up me smock, before I got cold and wet etc , now?

What a shame, truly lovely aircraft. Flew in the Wessex represented in Cyprus, Long hot days , plenty of on bus/off bus action, by the long suffering helo johnnies.

I'll miss it.

21st Feb 2003, 12:54
Pardon my ignorance, but as I understand it, these machines were flown into Brize as cargo.....why reinstate them to flying condition just to buzz up the road to storage and disposal? Not that I'm criticising, it's great to see them fly once more; just don't see the financial justification, that's all...

21st Feb 2003, 14:18
Yep, they were flown in by Vladimir in his big Antonov

21st Feb 2003, 18:57
Does anyone know how and when the remaining wessex held in storage are going to be disposed of.
The Ulster Aviation Society want one for their museum at Langford Lodge, any chance of the RAF flying one to any prospective new owner ?

21st Feb 2003, 19:31
For grammatical correctness, the plural of Wessex is, of course, Wessices

Maybe so, but that don't rhyme with "Bye bye".

any chance of the RAF flying one to any prospective new owner ?

Argh! It was enough effort getting to see this 'final flight' plus the previous 'final flight' when the green ones did their magical mystery tour of the UK.

21st Feb 2003, 22:01
Cunning plan to deliver a Walter to Langford Lodge...
just ask the Staish to land one at Aldergrove;-)

Strange, 72(R) Sqn having an association dinner tonight....at Linton - atleast it's accessible for the wrinklies.
Tincanos lined up for inspection....not quite the same as the ugly Walters with GPMGs hanging out the side.
Couldn't probably get two aircraft built to opposite ends of the quality spectrum...
One built like a brick sh1thouse and the other built like sh1t:-)

Did the Spitfire make it to Linton-on-Booze?

Gen. Bombdabastards
22nd Feb 2003, 06:36
Not entirely true. The Uruguayans are still flying them.

:O :O Queen of the skies!

15th Jun 2003, 04:34
Five are going to Uruguay, two for SOTT Cosford, a green one
for Hendon, and three for gate guards.

Spot 4
15th Jun 2003, 06:27
Ref: Wessex Gate Guards:

Aldergrove has one, Shawbury are getting one, who else??

Pub User
16th Jun 2003, 00:48
I'm not sure, but I think RAF Stafford have had one for some years now.

20th Jun 2003, 04:35
Sixty have got one, looks nice too!

10th Jul 2003, 05:52
The final batch of Wessex helicopters have now been sold off, the last complete 72 squadron went for 20 grand. Sadly the Ulster Aviation Society did not get one of the aircraft.:sad: