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19th Feb 2003, 17:31
Can anybody advise me as to how long it would take to get Saudi overflight clearance. Secondly, how long for overflight and landing clearance at Kuwait.

How long would the clearances last? As a date has not been confirmed for the flight, is it possible to obtain clearances for a one or two week period?

Thanks In Advance


19th Feb 2003, 19:23
Overflight clearance typically valid only for the day of intended flight. No real problem to arrange Saudi overflight - do it through Base Ops, Universal, United in Damascus or Jet Aviation SA.

Are you sure you want to go to Kuwait at this specific moment in time Andy? Landing permission there might be a problem unless you have a very good reason. Good luck on the handling there.


21st Feb 2003, 07:10
without any connections to them, I highly recommend Hadid (http://www.hadid.org/) for any support in the Arabic airspace as they are most competent and professional in providing these services.

21st Feb 2003, 14:51
Agreed, Hadid would be a good choice.


21st Feb 2003, 17:01
Thanks for your responses, I have also been tipped to use AN Aviation in Egypt, either way I am sure I'll get there in the end.

Further to my last question, are overflight clearances/landing clearances issued during weekends in the middle east, and could I count weekends in the 4 days taken to supposedly get overflight clearance at Saudi



22nd Feb 2003, 07:40
If you know someone, who in turn knows someone else or, knows for him/herself where and what and how to do...(again, talk to HADID!!!) you may be able to do it even in a couple of hours.
Give them as much info as possible in advance...and any last minute change may turn out to be no problem at all.
On the other hand, with the steadily changing situation, i.e. the just implemented contingency routings, you may face some inconvenience.
Why not contacting any of the mentioned professionals and ask for their recommendations and advises?

Will Rogers
22nd Feb 2003, 16:56

You can obtain the permits through the use of any of the agencies listed above and it will normally not be a problem (FYI: Pretty much all the companies listed go through United in Damascus to obtaijn permits for the region). However, sometimes they actually deny your application for whatever reason they believe is justified that day. I have never been able to figure out why and it has happened with different agencies trying to get it at different times (i.e. not for the same flight).

You ask about weekends...remember that the weekend down there is not Saturday - Sunday but Thursday - Friday (Please correct me if I'm wrong). You should still be able to get a permit, especially if you give proper notice...

In Kuwait you would be best off using Kuwait Airways for your handling (actually believe that's the only choice ;)). They are not the best in the world but the do try really, really hard and are generally very nice to deal with. They won't help you with weather and flight plans though if you're a private flight. You'll have to talk directly to the local CAA guys about that unless your flight support company provides you with all this.

Best of luck!

Will :)