View Full Version : help....

18th Feb 2003, 16:07
first of all..hi! and which airlines use onboard computers? if most of them do how come a maths test at intreview stage is so hard??? also does anyone know where i can find a pic of the new thomas cook uniform for its F/A's?

18th Feb 2003, 22:06
kaybee, you mean for Duty Free? If it's the case, Air France has it.
About interview math tests, on my experience they are not that harder than the problems you find yourself solving on a daily basis when on duty.

18th Feb 2003, 22:10
Hi Kaybee, a lot of airlines use onboard computers for duty free but if they go down(which ours used to a lot) then u have to do it manually so therefore if u were totally thick at maths then u would be stuck! not saying u have to be excellent in maths just know what ur doing basically if this happens.etc...currency conversion..this kind of thing..:} :O :p ;) :D