View Full Version : Griffen for RN

Thud Ridge
18th Feb 2003, 07:46
There are a few rumours in the RN training pipeline that DHFS Navy pilots might stay on to do the Griffin course. The understanding being that those selected for Merlin should do some twin engine flying before going stright to a 3 engine Merlin. Does anyone know anymore about this?


Edited for spelling!! (griffin - not griffen). Everyday's a schoolday!!

18th Feb 2003, 14:12
It's a definite possibility

ps it's 'Griffin'

18th Feb 2003, 17:05
Have heard the same rumour. Why not go the whole hog and keep the AAC at Strawberry for the next phase of their course and use the DHFS 'White Elephant' at Ternhill as their base. A lot of money was spent for something that is used by glider people some weekends. As a matter of fact why not make Strawberry the centre for RW excellence. CFS, Dhfs etc.

18th Feb 2003, 20:08
I think its definitely a rumour, maybe in twenty years time when the griffin is falling apart they will make the decision. As it appears the RN hierarchy cannot even sort out oft slots for the graduates of strawberry. Whether this is a lack of money or foresight, i think a combination of both.
I think the major argument countering such a move is that RN pilots have made it through the pipeline by going straight onto type for many years, and i think a lot can be said for doing OFT on type as many exercises may not have to be taught twice ie. once on griffin and again on type.
Also do students really want to learn three sets of FRCs and flight systems and tech before then learning your frontline aircraft stuff? Its one more groundschool!!!!!! Nooooooooooo!!!!