View Full Version : Low Blood Pressure

13th Feb 2003, 21:19

Reading on from the "High Blood Pressure" post, I went for a fitness assesement to be told I had a low blood pessure!

It was 108 over something I think and was told it should be in the region of 120. Anyone know what the consequences, remedies or cautions for such are?


13th Feb 2003, 21:24
Anyone know what the consequences, remedies or cautions for such are?

If you're fit, healthy and asymptomatic, there are no adverse consequences at all. In fact, it's almost certainly a good thing and shows you're fit.

Low blood pressure in disease states is generally a manifestation of end-stage disease, such as severe cardiac failure or is caused by drugs such as ACE Inhibitors. Anyone going for a 'fitness' assessment is not going to have any such condition.