View Full Version : Helicopter certification engineering expertise

Genghis the Engineer
13th Feb 2003, 17:18
This is posted by the kind permission of Heliport.

I may in the near future be asked to manage the UK certification of a previously uncertified foreign 2-seat helicopter broadly in the R22 / Rotorway class. My organisation has most of the skills needed but not quite all.

So, if there are any experts out there in either helicopter structures, or in Engineer level P&HQ who might be interested in coming onside to aid in a certification programme, I'd be very interested to hear from you. No guarantee of anything just at the moment (waiting upon a senior management GO/NO-GO decision), and I do need somebody capable of being immediately accepted by UK CAA as a design signatory. Also it would be firmly part time, the task aint big enough to support more full time staff than I have at present, but it could well prove reasonably profitable and very interesting and some limited consultancy would be likely indefinitely through the product support / supervision cycle (assuming we succeed in certifying it).

If anybody's interested, please Email me and I'll get back to you pronto.