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8th Feb 2003, 23:04
Any truth in a rumour I just heard that Kuwait Airways are moving their operations to Sharjah because of airspace closure around Kuwait?

9th Feb 2003, 09:25
more than likely...teacher friends of ours are being moved out of KWI from 09 feb, the entire north of KWI is to be a no go area...
it seems logical for kac to do this...

10th Feb 2003, 08:27
Mentioned in yesterday's UAE "Gulf News"(9/2):

"A war in Kuwait's immediate vicinity would see Kuwait Airways' flights being diverted to Sharjah International Airport, Dr Ghanem Al Hajri, director general, said yesterday.

"We were approached a month ago on the issue, with the airline's authorities requesting our facilities for the maintenance and operations of their aircraft, and for aircraft stop overs, should hostilities break out in Kuwait's immediate vicinity," he stated.

"We gladly acceded to the request," he said. "It is no more than our obligation as an international airport, to all Arab - and, indeed, all global - airlines, and all are most welcome to use our facilities."

Dr Al Hajri was commenting on a statement by Sheikh Ahmed Al Abdullah Al Sabah, Kuwaiti Minister of Communications and Transport, carried in the international media, wherein the minister had said Kuwait would use Sharjah airport's facilities as per an agreement firmed up recently, in the eventuality of a U.S.-led war against Iraq."