View Full Version : 100 New Joiners post Ban. Well Done!!

King Kong
8th Feb 2003, 02:01
To the 100 new joiners who have joined- Well Done.

To the others who are trying- Keep trying, you will be made welcome and realise the propaganda is all fabricated and not worth a pinch.

There is no logic to NOT joining.

There are another 135 expected to join this year alone.

End of story.

8th Feb 2003, 17:33
What is the typical profile of CX 2nd Officer new hire?

Info on where one can send their resume would be appreciated, I can't seem to find it on their web.


13th Feb 2003, 14:14
Would any of the 100 post-ban new hires be available to comment on the quality of the working environment, i.e. relations with the pre-ban pilots?


I'll cross post to the Fragrant Harbour forum, just in case the newly hired no longer browse the wannabes forum.

1st Mar 2003, 05:30

I joined as a S/O last year, have since finished my line training and been online for sometime.

My only piece of advice to those on yes letters or interivews is take the job, It is the best job going and the staunch AOA guys cannot justify the ban, and why they are still taking upgrades.

Now whats it like..95% of the crews have been fantastic and i can speak for most if not all that have joined, they guys (and gals) are having a great time and we are been treated by all but the few very well.

The other 5%; all they can do is not talk to you which isnt too bad as you only spend about 6 hours in the seat on a flight. and very really sitting next to the same guy for that time. My thoughts and observations of those guys is that they are probably J!@ks to fly with anyway.

So dont worry about it, I even flew with an AOA committie member who agreed that we had to accept the offer. Best of luck for the interviews!!

10th Mar 2003, 23:33
I read the "Finally" thread, it's informative. One of the things I'm wondering about is whether accepting an offer while the ban is in effect will automatically mean I will never be eligible to work for an airline with ALPA affiliation. If true, that would mean going to CX is pretty much a one way street.

11th Mar 2003, 16:28

The staunch union boys will tell you this is the case, and that you will never get a job again, but there are very few airlines in the world that are run by the unions, Only some nearly collapsed american ones come to mind. So dont let that threat bother you. I know joining CX post ban would have no detrimental affect on me trying to get into Air NZ should i want too, in fact recruitment types i have talked to have said it may be seen as a positive.