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View Full Version : Those Blokes That Set Fire To The Parachute Hangar at Hullavington

4th Feb 2003, 22:14
That thread about the US Marine parachute sabotage reminded me of the Squippers that were supposed to have deliberately set fire to the RAFs supply of parachutes at Hullavington some years ago.

Anyone know the story?

Hmmmmm.... just in case it was not squippers (and even if it was), YOU DO A BLOODY GOOD JOB AND THANK YOU FOR THE NEW (V COMFORTABLE) BOOTS!

5th Feb 2003, 13:30
Ain't no supposing, seafuryfan. The two squippers were convicted, one for arson and the second for concealing the offence of the first.

In sum, morale at the Parachute Servicing Flight was notoriously low. It was considered the nadir of all postings for a squipper. Towards the end of one Xmas/New Year grant, a squipper decided that direct action was the best option. He broke into the hangar and started a fire. He subsequently told his mate what he had done. A few days later, the arsonist and his friend were arrested. They admitted their offences and pleaded guilty at court. The arsonist got 5 years' imprisonment and and his mate a £1000 fine.

The fire destroyed the hangar and one third of all the armed forces' parachutes, at a cost of £20million.

5th Feb 2003, 18:23
On the up side, it did hasten the introduction of the LLp in to service.

Sloppy Link
5th Feb 2003, 19:42
Hullavington.....Isn't that the place where the REME, whilst on exercise were billeted in one of the hangars on the NE side and because it was cold (ah, bless), used harry black nasty to seal all the drafts that were coming in and then turned up their heaters full blast. The carbon monoxide output of these heaters was greater than the oxygen able to get in and the end result was the whole thing ending in tears with some of the more sensitive souls being hospitalised. All quite sad really in a funny sort of way. Any one got anymore info on this little gem?

5th Feb 2003, 21:48
Sloppy, I remember it well. The really funny bit was that Wroughton hospital had just closed, so 100 ish civvies had to be booted out of their beds in Swindon PMH to make room for the squaddies. D'Oh! :(

6th Feb 2003, 15:01
Aaaaaah Hullavington! 1949.....National Service..... Wellingtons... assymetric drill.... still got legs like Mike Tyson!! 4king cold every day! Near miss with Brabazon on test flight.... kerisste!

6th Feb 2003, 17:49
Hullavington was also the place where Neil Williams (RIP) flew his Zlin down the approach inverted. because his wing failed and folded upwards. This was during the world aerobatic championships in, I think, 1968 or 69.

I used to glide at Hullavington and remeber the hangars had grass growing on top of them

Prof Denzil Dexter
7th Feb 2003, 22:07

Not wishing to be an anorak, but it was at the World Champs in 1970 when Neil Williams dinged the Zlin.

I think the hangers you refer to were designed to have grass growing on top......Also seem to remember that that particular type of hangar was designed by the Hun. Rumour has it that 'someone' has landed a Piper Cub on the roof of one at Kemble. Awesome!!