View Full Version : A new angle on The Ditching

4th Feb 2003, 13:28
Whilst trawling around for more info on "The Ditching" Google Search threw up this link to an article -

http://www.gayoutdoors.com (Site Motto - "Celebrate Gay Pride")

Why on earth would a gay site be interested in our two boys, I wondered? As I read the article about the rescue, it all became very clear!

It read "According to wire reports, the Chilean Navy picked the two up early on Monday morning"

Hoh! Two men? Alone in a helicopter? On the high seas? With only an inflatable for company?

A case of "Hoh! Suits "Q" Sir!" ?


4th Feb 2003, 17:04
So hh - you just happened to "accidentally" stumble on this site, eh ??? ;) Never looked at it before, your honour....

Anyways, the article does say that Steve phoned his wife, and Q's happily married too, so there'll be a lot of disappointed subscribers.

Mind you, I was tempted to send off for a pair of those boxer shorts. Err - allegedly, not for me you understand, errr - not for a friend either - err oh god time to shut up. :*

6th Feb 2003, 21:39
From Chilian rescuer to rescuees...
"Er...Is that an inflatable rubber dinghy your wearing sir, or are you just pleased to see us?"