View Full Version : C17's to be kept and enlarged?

2nd Feb 2003, 09:54
Janes Online has a report with an Army brigadier who has confirmed that the RAF will keep 4 C17's and expand to around 10/11 over the next few years.

I am not sure of copyright issues - this is part of the whole report

"In a key development, Brig Bounsall suggested that the UK will not only retain, but also expand its current inventory of four C-17 strategic transports, and proceed with its planned £2.3 billion ($3.7 billion) purchase of 25 Airbus Military A400M tactical transports. Under previous plans, the C-17s - leased from Boeing under an approximately £770 million deal to expire in late 2009 - were to have been replaced by the smaller aircraft from 2010. These were to have been augmented by the RAF's current fleet of 25 C-130J transports.

The loss of the C-17s - which have a much greater lift capacity and range than the A400M - would have dealt a heavy blow to the UK's ability to rapidly deploy large equipment over long distances. Other ministry sources now suggest, however, that a fleet of 11 C-17s could be acquired for use by two squadrons until 2025-30. "We have made a heavy investment in the C-130J and C-17, and they simply are too costly to replace," said Brig Bounsall, who added that the A400M is also needed to meet RAF requirements

2nd Feb 2003, 11:43
Well strike me down with a lightning bolt! Surely the powers at the top are not seeing sense after all?

How long will this debate go on? Does the RAF really want the A400m or is that just some PC rubbish to keep the Brit. aviation industry on side?

Mind you a Brig. is not really that high up in the MoD food chain. I merely think that this was his asperations not the MoD's intent?

2nd Feb 2003, 20:12
Well ****** I down dead! Enlarge a C17? Will they now finally paint them dark green with a bit of red and yellow trim? Blunderturds are go!

2nd Feb 2003, 20:24
And we are supposed to be surprised?:cool:

3rd Feb 2003, 12:13
Seems like a fair deal to me. We are still spending a fortune hiring the Civvie freighters to do millitary work. They have been a godsend over the past few years as old Ivan will go anywhere for the right price, but the money would be better spent if we were developing the in house capability.

We as yet do not have the force projection ability that our armed forces need and deserve. 11 C17s could allow us to go some way to doing this. The Americans now want over 200 airframes and it looks like they are delighted with its performance, and as far as I can tell our 4 are doing a good job as well.

We will always need the stalwart hercs, and can find a use for the A400 (if and when it comes) But the Globemasters would be a force multiplier and I think all three services would benefit from its capabilities.

Oh and it does TAC work as well if you let it.
'Flexibility is the key to Air Power' (I seem to remember the mantra) so lets go to Mr Boeing and ask him for some more toys for our train-set.

(Sorry about the spelling!)

5th Feb 2003, 15:30
For the love of God! Somebody please tell me that enlarging the C-17s will not involve Mr Marshall's angle grinder....:D :D :D