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View Full Version : Virgin Blue Pay/Roster

1st Feb 2003, 07:12
Could someone in the know shed some light on Virgin Blue Pay/Roster conditions ?

6th Feb 2003, 02:11
Seems no one from within wants to help you, and I don't work for them, so only have it on hearsay. Captains on about $110,00 to $130,000 AUD per annum, depending on years in service. If you paid the full oz tax on $120k your take home pay would be about $6400 per month. If you can't live on that in Brisbane you need to get rid of a few wives and lovers and cut the wine consumption to 5 bottles a week. F/O's on about 65 to 70% of that, so would need to drive a 5 year old car and only have one wife/lover and maybe drink chateau cardboard to live comfortably, but good red would be wasted on their young palates anyway.
As for roster, I believe they work to either CAO48 or a standard industry variation thereof. Not too arduous, as the protections should give you 8 or 9 days off at home base every month, but I have heard the occasional bleat that they spend about 20 nights away each month and do a lot of sectors. Can't say how hard it really is, but put it this way, to live in sunny s.e. Qld it would be worth it, if I wasn't already living there!
Try searching the CASA website for rostering limits and one of the Aus Government sites that list industrial relations commission awards. I think there is something at www.osiris.com.au also.

6th Feb 2003, 07:31
Mate, Check the Dununnda forum. A thread is running there about the new EBA. Further to the last post you also receive a bonus of 10000 In your first year and 20000 in your second, Monthly expenses are said to bring you in another 1000 per month tax free. So at 120000 for a captain (basic). and around 75000 basic for an FO living in Brisbane its seems to be an OK package. They also seem to be a happy bunch and that goes along way in my opinion.