View Full Version : Ex-pat employment in South American countries

27th Jan 2003, 16:29
Hi there.

I am training towards an FAA CPL/IR with a view to finding a job flying light a/c somewhere around the world. I have a query regarding the best places to travel to in order to try and land a light aircraft job.

I regularly read the African forum and the best place to start is Maun in Botswana. Are there any countries in South America/ Carribean that would be a good place to head for? Ideally I would be looking for something like tourist or charter flying on singles like the 206.I have read about Tropic air in Belize (I know they operate the Van) and I know that one needs 700 hours for a validation there. I will have approx 380 hours when I head out.

Please forgive the open endedness of my query. I have also noticed through reading this forum that some latin American countries have laws from the 50s that will not permit ex pats to work as Pilots.

Cheers, Bill

28th Jan 2003, 15:44
Sorry Bill we'd be lying to ya if we said "Hey yeah things are great down here". The reality of the matter is that there are 300 qualified pilots scattered all over the Caribbean looking for work.
I too looked into working in Africa. Somehow we always seem to think that the grass is greener on the other side. I'm telling you the grass is definately greener in the US at the moment. Believe me I'd kill for a greencard right now!! Corporate flying and fractionals are taking off (literally). Definately something to consider once you've got that 1000hours.
Also have a look on www.Climbto350.com they often have good job postings.
Good Luck