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View Full Version : Virgin Atlantic recruiting pilots

27th Jan 2003, 13:35
I heard a rumour that Virgin Atlantic are looking to recruit First Officers on the B747 and A340.
Can anyone shed any light on this?

27th Jan 2003, 13:38
They are recruiting!!



27th Jan 2003, 14:01
Afternoon Texas, I hear your still on the graveyard shift,

28th Jan 2003, 13:05
I filled the form on line 2 months ago and no reply!!!!!!!

28th Jan 2003, 13:14
Sorry to be pessimistic, but I reckon thatll (recruitment) soon change when Tony and George start playing.

Tonker Towns
29th Jan 2003, 09:51
A friend of mine left Virgin for a large middle eastern airline in the Emirates and after explaining how he thought they had treated him appallingly, they told him that i didn't matter he was leaving as he was just a "Bus Driver"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice one richard

Mister Geezer
29th Jan 2003, 10:20

Yes I agree but not just VS. It could be on a national scale!

29th Jan 2003, 22:52
Yes they are recruiting but I would be wary, they have just sent out letters to Crew indicating that they are drawing up plans incase of a war in the middle east.

Asking if you would consider part time work, Job share or leave of absence.

30th Jan 2003, 11:03
Might it be wise to ask Scroggs? After all he might have the inside knowledge!!

31st Jan 2003, 00:16
The airline is currently interviewing and potentially employing a small number of pilots to fill B742 and A340 positions. War in the Middle East will undoubtedly affect this, but this process was embarked upon when war was seen as a lot less likely than it is now.

The letter that Pennine Boy refers to is an effort by the company, prompted by the Crew Committee, to have data on file about the approximate numbers of pilots who may be prepared to accept part time working, or unpaid leave, in the event that the company should ever again be faced with large-scale and rapid manning reductions in response to external events, as happened after 9/11. It is in response to criticisms by our pilot community of the airline's handling of that period that this initiative has been taken - and the upcoming war is used as an example of the kind of event that could precipitate this. The idea is that the balance of redundancies and other options could be far better and more accurately predicted than it was last time. No more, no less.
