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View Full Version : Buying Back Albert?

26th Jan 2003, 13:56
Is there any truth in the gossip that we are going to buy back our old Herc Mk 3s that are out in the boneyard in the States, and then do them all up?

Very hard to work out what is truth or gossip at Lyneham, but this sounds wacky enough to be true. I think the sturdy 'K' has many more decent years of service left in her, and this would be a welcome boost to the fleet. Any chance of buying some Combat Tallons or AC130 Gunship hercs whilst we are there? (give the J's something to think about)

26th Jan 2003, 14:27
Will someone please tell me just how different the MC-130s are from the regular C-130s? It can't just be different paint and a bigger nose???

26th Jan 2003, 15:50
Completely false Salad I'm afraid, all of the money in the pot has gone to the Mk3A. (see seperate thread).

Oh, and why on earth would buying Combat Talons or Gunships give the J something to think about?

27th Jan 2003, 07:00
Thanks Red Flag, looks like we will be missing out on a couple of States trips then! (Ones they cant give to the J ! )

Sorry to offend you, there is no reason why terrain following radar, full DAS, ECM, FLIR or a s*!t load of firepower would give the impecable J a run for its money when the K seems to be doing a good job on its own!

(Dont want this to turn into yet another J vs K forum, as think it has been done to death, but couldnt resist the banter when you bit...We are all going to be hauling the same 'rubber dog-sh!t out of hong kong' for the next few months anyway.)