View Full Version : Help for an old guy

10th May 2001, 00:42

Just found this site and am very please that there is a place for wannabes.
I am 30 years old, and am very committed to attempting to get a CPL and make a career in aviation, does anyone have any advise on how to go about this. My cousin gained a CPL/ATPL during his mid 30's and now holds down a job with a major United States airline, so there is my inspiration. If any one has been through this, how much is involved, I am trying to keep up with the changes, but I am always afraid of patronising responses.
Thanks In advance.

10th May 2001, 01:04
Welcome Reeves,

You didn't say wether you have any PPL experiece yet so I will assume that you are at the beginning.

The quickest way to get a JAA CPL/IR with Frozen ATPL, which is the licence you will need to find work within an airline, is to enroll on an 'ab-initio' course.

There are many approved schools that do this including Oxford, BAe out in Jerez, Cabair and Michigan out in the USA. You will need some sort of prior knowledge of Maths and Physics (GCSE level only) and alot of cash!
For an average course you are looking at £50k+.

Then there is the modular route. This involves getting your PPL then hours building up to 150 and comencing the groundschool for the ATPLs and then the CPL/IR later. The advantage of this route is that you may not have to quit work and may save alot of cash. Many people claim to be able to do the whole lot for around the £30k mark, but I doubt wether that includes all your living expenses for the time it takes.

A good book to buy is "Guide To Getting A Commercial Piots Licence" by Clive Hughes, available in the backs of the aviation monthlys and at Transair shop.

Another which is a kind of motivation manual as well as an info guide is "Zero To First Officer" (or 02FO), again available at the above places.

Hope that gets you pointed into the wind, don't hesitate to ask more questions - that's what these anonymous forums are for. :)

All the best, VFE.

Why do aircraft toilets have frosted glass windows?

10th May 2001, 03:16
Thanks for the help.

I have actually held a PPL before, but I am going through the course again, I intend to go through the distance learning module I think, and in terms of hour building, I am greatly warming to the microlight route.
Anyway thanks for the advice and those books will be heading for my desk real soon.
