View Full Version : Fleet Air Arm

22nd Jan 2003, 18:56
Hi there:

I wonder if anyone here has recently done the initial officer training at Dartmouth? I want to know what the year entails.
I'd like to join, but I haven't much time before I turn 26. I want to find out as much as I can about the type of course it is in terms of what you need to achieve and so on.

Any info anyone can give, would be greatly appreciated.


22nd Jan 2003, 19:56
Didn't WEBF do something similar?
Have a quick search through the archives, probably some useful stuff about the place.

22nd Jan 2003, 21:42
Cheers. Found the WEBF link and another good 'un by Kiwi*.



WE Branch Fanatic
22nd Jan 2003, 23:52
Sorry guys but I didn't go to BRNC - I wasn't joining as an Officer. Therefore the thread you are refering to is of only limited help.

I will say this - apart from being prepared (fitness etc) try to be a grey man. If you stand out certain instructors may treat you excessively harshly, discriminate against you, and ignore QRRN.

Unfortunate and ilegal - but it happens:(

Chinese Vic
23rd Jan 2003, 13:57

DO NOT be a grey man!!! Are we recruiting officers or accountants?

Prepare yourself well (unlike some), be confident, apply yourself, be fully committed to everything you do. Try your best!!!

Example: If you are the 'grey man' and you succumb to an injury mid-way through training, do you think the staff will fight to keep you on the course? Of course not! If you have given it your all, you might at least get support from your instructors.

The Services look for leadership and strength of character, not some insignificant bland individual.

Best of Luck PA28 if you apply/succeed.

WEBF - let it go.


23rd Jan 2003, 14:30
Thanks Chinese Vic!

It's one of those things, you know...am I going to hang around with the rest of my life petering out in front of a terminal day in, day out, or am I going to spend it more wisely? I love my flying, had thought about doing my commercial, but people say I should leave that till I'm older...and I have to say the helicopter flying in the Navy sounds all too good...and it would be something I could be proud of doing.

Catch you later.


23rd Jan 2003, 14:40
I will say this - apart from being prepared (fitness etc) try to be a grey man. If you stand out certain instructors may treat you excessively harshly, discriminate against you, and ignore QRRN.

Unfortunate and ilegal - but it happens :(

Still harping on WEBF?!?!?

If you honestly feel that the way you were treated was against the law, what legal actions are you taking against the RN? None? Thought not, because you know that you don't have a leg to stand on. Why don't you just admit that you were unfit and a loadmouth and you pi$$ed off the instructors sooooooo much that when you started to fail they didn't fight to keep you in training.

Now poke off and stop your whining - leave that for those of us that actually got through training :p

MadMark!!! :mad:

23rd Jan 2003, 17:21
WEBF - have they kicked you out of the RNR yet? If not why not? I know we're not that desperate for manpower.

23rd Jan 2003, 19:06

Are you STILL whining on about your abortive effort in the RN? Your comments on this thread show exactly why you failed I expect. I pity your instructors and the rest of your course who undoubtedly had to carry you as far as you got.

PA28 - listen to the words of others here. Go for it - give it your all and make sure people know exactly how much you have to offer us in the process. Do that, and you'll have a ball...

Thud Ridge
23rd Jan 2003, 19:42
Dartmouth for pilots (or WAFUs as we get called there) takes 3 terms. First term is basic militarisation and leadership training with some academics towards the end. Half of the second term is spent on a warship and the other half is spent doing more leadership and academics.

The final term is when we split into our specialisations. All the flight guys do 3 weeks grading, 3 weeks flight academics (history of naval aviation), and 4 weeks of survival drills and the survival course.

It is a fantastic year and you will enjoy yourself and make some quality mates.

Ignore WEBF - he is an idiot who has no idea about how to get on in military life. Do not be a grey man!! The first few weeks are tiring and everything will be new and go past like a blur. Take time to find your feet, meet your oppo's, and let your personality flow. If you pass AIB then you will have a personality that fits in at dartmouth.

I have bitten my lip about WEBF for a long time now but he continues to drip and moan. WEBF - feel free to read these messages but stop giving out useless advice that is wrong and, at the end of the day, just makes you look a fool.

All the best


WE Branch Fanatic
23rd Jan 2003, 22:29
May I suggest that future posters on this thread concentrate on giving advice to PA28 rather than slagging me off. It doesn't bother me (much), but it detracts from the purpose of this thread.

By "be a grey man" I was not suggesting that you shouldn't do everything to the best of your ability.

Good Luck.

Chinese Vic
24th Jan 2003, 17:28
Sorry? Did I miss something??? How on earth can you be a grey man and at the same time do everything to the best of your ability?????

WEBF, I am not slagging you off, merely pointing out that you are emminently unqualified to comment!


25th Jan 2003, 07:11
Likewise - By advising PA28 to ignore every shred you post I am giving him excellent advice.

PA28 - look forward to your chosen career. You sound like a quality chap with your head screwed on. Good luck!

26th Jan 2003, 15:30
The RN respects and expects the ability to enjoy himself in any wafu. Its a laugh, just enjoy it and dont take it to seriously. Trust me, nobody gets chopped for Dartmouth b@llocks. As long as you can pass flying training you'll be fine. You would be amazed how little interest any future boss will have in your BRNC record.