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View Full Version : First Time ATPL Ground Exam passes

22nd Jan 2003, 08:25
Just a quick question to those of you who have through the Aptl training and have either secured a job or have been interviewed by an airline. I was wondering if your groundschool results were an issue when it came to you being either interviewed or hired by a company.

Just a query as recently I dropped a couple of the Jar exams and although not by much itīs bugging me that it may have consequences at some stage in the future when I am applying for those very few jobs out there.

Any info from you guys that have been through it or know of others who may have been in a similar situation would be appreciated.

22nd Jan 2003, 10:11
From my experience the first time pass rate and average pass mark are only important if there is a possiblility of being recommended to an airline by the FTO where you took the exams. For example, OATS, Cabair (that I know of!) Outside of this other avenues of employment tend to look at more than this. Mainly flight hours, but also personality and flying ability through psychometric testing and sim checks.

But dont think the world has ended because you had to re-take a few of the exams. There have been plenty of post from those with jobs who failed exams, IR's, etc. and still made it ;)

22nd Jan 2003, 10:54
Can you provide positive critiscism about yourself because of failures ?

I passed my ground school 1st time, but failed the IR. I did get asked this 2 or 3 times, and managed to turn it around into a positive point about how I had learnt something really important.

Handling failure is very difficult, yet a very important part of the learning process.

David Balchin
22nd Jan 2003, 11:11
I have been reminded by my FTO (LGU- London Metro. Univ.) that first time passes can make a difference.

The logic being that Airlines need people who can pass type rating exams fast., so it looks better if you got 85% + and first time passes, if you have then you have the edge over those who don't when applying for a job.

Having said that, I wouldn't jump of a bridge over it, and this may be overlooked by some airlines if you fit in nicely in other ways.
Plus if demand becomes such that the airlines move the goal posts in your favour it will not matter so much.:)

But to any body else reading this I would advize you not to put in for exams you don't know you can pass.

22nd Jan 2003, 15:12
Anyone who passes all the ground exams first time is either:

a.) lucky
b.) Too clever to be an airline pilot.

I know this because I am extremely clever and I actually failed a couple myself.

Seriously though I think that first time passes and average markings are just used as another filter in the airline selection process.

I think probably about 70% of the exam material is forgotten never to be used again as soon as you walk out the exam room. I think the airlines probably know this as well.

