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View Full Version : FAA Multi to JAA

9th May 2001, 15:36
Has anyone converted an FAA multi to a JAA rating? Is it worth getting the rating in the US while hour building?

Any advice appreciated.


rolling circle
9th May 2001, 22:40
No mandatory training but you will have to pass the Class Rating Skill Test with a CRE. If all you have done in the US is the rating, you will probably find that you need a couple of hours training in the UK to cover the differences.

10th May 2001, 03:31
I did the type rating in the US, then did the commercial long distance x/c in the US. I was on my way to completing the FAA ME Cpl IR when OATS told me that the JAA had changed all CPL to recognised modular courses. The flying hours still counts tho'. I guess that the more you feel comfortable in a twin the easier the flight test back in the UK will be!

10th May 2001, 12:03
Thanks for the info!



11th May 2001, 03:17
I have CAA PPL/IMC/NIGHT/MULTI, what do I have to do to get to JAA ATPL standards ? Thanks in advance.