View Full Version : Wake up

21st Jan 2003, 17:29
1. We are all here to keep the jets flying.
2. This is not a direct reflection on the people who do not fly the jets. Just because we are all here to keep the jets flying doesn't mean that we put the Aircrew on a pedestal.
3. How hard can it be?

Wakey wakey!!!!

21st Jan 2003, 18:00
Nope. Lost me.

.....gale force 8, imminent.....

high spirits
21st Jan 2003, 18:41
Remember, if you can't identify the tosser on the Sqn.........then it's you. Aircrew Pedestals are for looking down on blunties.

21st Jan 2003, 19:25

21st Jan 2003, 21:09
Can I bring my pedestal to work every day or only when I'm flying?

22nd Jan 2003, 13:09
How many pilots does it take to screw in a light bulb??

Just the one to hold it because the world revolves around him:D :D :D

22nd Jan 2003, 18:03
Do Staff Officers get to keep their pedestal or do they have to hand it in until they return to flying duties?:cool:

23rd Jan 2003, 19:08
Clearly I have not still woken up! This is way over my head. What is your point exactly???

23rd Jan 2003, 22:24
Can I bring my pedestal to work every day or only when I'm flying?If you're at Brize, only when you're flying! Anywhere else and you keep it with you at all times.

If you lose it, break it or wake up in a storm drain with a hangover but sans pedestal, go to stores, demand a new one in a very loud voice and blame it all on the blunties! They only really need to be handed back when you give back your watch, but plenty seem to try and take them with them. Warning: pedestal not guaranteed to work in civvy street!