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View Full Version : IR without IMC first....

9th May 2001, 14:39
I am planning on charging straight into my IR when the time comes, but I don't have an IMC. However, I am pretty good at instrument flying (alledgedly). Obviously, an IMC would be good experience, but if I'm close to doing the IR why spend money and time duplicating the similarities?

Any advice?


9th May 2001, 14:54
You'd have to be pretty good to go straight for it. It's a hard test so the more practice you do, the better.

9th May 2001, 14:55
I agree, but I will be doing the 55 Hr JAA IR course at an approved school...


9th May 2001, 15:00
might as well go straight up for it then... by then time you do the test you'll have as many instrument hours as I did at the time, and i was an IMC instructor.

I would try and do some groundschool though, this is the major difficulty, and understanding the procedures....

Willy Jazz the cans 2
9th May 2001, 16:02
If you're gonna do the approved course, I don't think it would be money well spent to get an IMC before hand. It's like doing a PPL before a 509 course--might be handy to have a bit of experience before you start, but it's not worth 5grand. As ep said, do some study before hand and get a couple of trips in with someone whose qualified if you can.
However, if you have money to burn...... :)

I'm on my way!

Wee Weasley Welshman
9th May 2001, 16:04
If I could offer you just one piece of advice it would be this. Wear, Sunscreen.

As I am enfranchised to give as much advise as I please I will more usefully continue to tell you to go a learn how to read the approach plates.

I've seen people time and time again fallover on test because they missread a symbol or were otherwise distracted trying to re-check something on the plate that they failed to keep the a/c within test tolerances.

It will take hours but its free and you can do it from the comfort of an armchair. Get hold of the AIP for a start and learn the legends and how the approached/deps work. Then make sure you are fluent in reading either the Jepp or Aerad or other system that you will be using on test.

Honest - I know plenty of students who have been paying over £200 an hour airborne for me to take them through IFR chart reading and decoding when they could have done it all themselves the week before at home for nothing.

Good luck,


[This message has been edited by Wee Weasley Welshman (edited 09 May 2001).]