View Full Version : Age Limit??

20th Jan 2003, 12:11
Does anyone know how strict OASC are regarding the upper age limit for pilot applications? I am currently 24 yrs old and have been down to OASC twice. On both occasions I reached part 2 but fell down on my assertiveness. I now believe I have improved in this area but alas I am over the 'under 24 years when you start IOT' age limit.

Is it worth applying again?

20th Jan 2003, 23:11
Hmmm, I'm not too sure. What does everyone else think?

Strobin' Purple
20th Jan 2003, 23:25
Wise words Arty!

Flyboy, remember this well used maxim in life:

If you don't ask, you don't get.

Mach the Knife
21st Jan 2003, 00:51
And never forget
No stick - No Vote.........:cool:

FS245 and beyond....
28th Jan 2003, 22:26
I think you can only apply twice anyway...

prang one
28th Jan 2003, 22:53

OASC will be "quick" to tell if you are no longer of interest/to old .

And do it quick because 24 is the magic number

good luck

30th Jan 2003, 13:44
Well you can only ask! The worst they can do is say no. They are usually quite strict on their limits but it depends on your background. For example if you have been on the UAS and completed EFT then you are already part trained.

There are ALWAYS exceptions to the rules... good luck