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View Full Version : visit visa for Jeddah, KSA

19th Jan 2003, 20:56
Is it possible to have VISIT VISAS for friends and family wanting to visit me in Jeddah, if I have a job there ? If yes, for how long ?
I understood only wife and kids are allowed but what is hapening if you are single like me ??
Also is it a nice life in Jeddah and easy to travel around ?
Thansk for all info ...

20th Jan 2003, 01:41
Your parents are allowed to visit you for up to 3 months, no friends unless they are Moslem.

So what brings you to Jeddah?


20th Jan 2003, 03:01
SV might bring me to Jeddah but if NO friends can come and visit me ... difficult, no ?

20th Jan 2003, 12:36
SV might bring me to Jeddah

ELT instructor or ground school instructor?

Dont worry about the old friends you will just trade them in for a new one called "SID"........ usually comes with coke and ice.


31st Jan 2003, 10:30
Sorry Aircal, I did get a Saudi visa for my daughter many years ago, but they insisted she couldn't have a visit visa as she was 21. So they gave her a resident's permit instead :confused:

(the result of that was that she "dropped her anchor" and it took me 6 years to get rid of her!!)

If you work in Saudi, your only real option is to have your friends meet you at a more "visitor friendly" location such as Bahrain, UAE, Cyprus . . . . .

There is talk of the Saudi Government getting more relaxed regarding tourism, but not too much action visible on that front so far.

31st Jan 2003, 12:59
Hello Aircal 74100. Life in the KSA has some ups and quite a few downs. Cash makes up for some of the downs. If your friends are female you will have to marry them to make them honest companions. Otherwise, stick to 'My Friend' (Sid) and Coke. It helps to dull disappointment. Oh yes, use the extra cash to jump on a Cyprus Airways or Emirates. they are much more sympathetic to Western misbeheviour!! Remember, Kurching of the cash register!!

3rd Feb 2003, 22:24
ExSimGuy, thanks for info ... I understand it is easier to get resident visa rather than visit visa ? application from me or through local ? even for a friend, not my direct family ?

4th Feb 2003, 02:41
If as you said, "SV might bring you to Jeddah", i think that you will find that they have a complete department to deal with visa requests.
ESG's case is probably due to the fact that his daughter is a female, this usually doesnt happen for males.


5th Feb 2003, 02:06
Hi Mutt,
Thanks for your help ... If Visit Visa is not possible for non-muslim, can I apply for Residence Visa for a friend (maybe through a local sponsor) ?

5th Feb 2003, 04:51
Yep you can, but the going rate is around $2500 for the visa.

I might be reading a little bit too much into this :O..... but if you are talking about a same sex partner rather than just a drinking buddy, I suggest that you review Islamic law.



BTW, what job are you chasing in SV?

5th Feb 2003, 22:27
Mutt, you read too much ! ... Don't worry, I already know the islamic law ....

6th Feb 2003, 01:36
To the casual observer on this board, one may wonder why one who makes a off color remark is crucified as insensitive, racist, ect., while we accept without question the cultural behavior of others without comment.

6th Feb 2003, 04:48
while we accept without question the cultural behavior of others without comment

Because its THEIR culture, we dont have to agree with it, but we do have to accept that we are guests and should behave as such!

Now if only that policy worked the other way around...... :)
