View Full Version : Wannabe Job Up For Grabs

18th Jan 2003, 22:35
Hey people.
For those eleigible and I am sure there is plenty, check out aviation job search website, there is a position for non type rated pilots on the HS-125.
The requirements are a FAA CPL/IR with 300 hr twin time and a max age of 29 and euro passport. Its in Italy and its a contract for 2yrs with an expected 70hrs per month flying.
You must be willing to pay for your type rating on the jet at a cost of 9200 euro, and the add leans towards those trying to begin a career in aviation as opposed to much more experienced guys.
I am sure there is a few of yous interested. GO FOR IT.

Mister Geezer
18th Jan 2003, 23:05
I would tread with great caution. I received an e-mail informing me of a similar set up to the one above. It was for an Italian biz jet set up however CVs were to be forwarded to a Greek fax number so I was a bit suspicious. I was later informed that this is a scam and the persons involved are being investigated by Interpol. Apparently any interview is done in Greece and they bleed you dry of money for a type rating and they do a runner!

People have been stung before with this set up and they have not got any of their money back!

Watch out! :eek:

18th Jan 2003, 23:41
It is a scam. Leave well alone.

18th Jan 2003, 23:58
Well spotted guys,
I am of no part of there set up by the way I was just giving some helpful info (or so I thought).
Regards FRIDAY