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View Full Version : How can I prepare for JAR IR?

8th May 2001, 11:49
Hi Dooders,

Just a few months now before I embark on the JAR IR course hence I was wondering if anyone could offer any suitable advice on how best to prepare. Any reading recommendations etc?



9th May 2001, 12:14
Assume you already have an IMC rating..

Practice (with safety pilot) :

Radar vectored and procedural NDB/DME
and ILS/DME procedures if possible do them
in a twin. Practice accurate flying in IMC

There are no decent texts to cover this
Hoy's book reiterates the exam theory but
you will know this anyway.

Wee Weasley Welshman
9th May 2001, 16:07

10th May 2001, 01:19
First be prepared to spend lots of money - then it won't come as a shock !

Second, invest a small sum in a decent PC instrument simulator. I found Flight Pro to be very good. A lot cheaper than flying and good for ironing out stupid errors. Doesn't simulate everything eg ADF dip.

Third, learn the airspace where you will be training and having your exam.

Fourth, pace yourself through the training - it can be mentally very draining.

Fifth, try and pair up with someone during the training and accompany you partner when he is being trained. Learning from other peoples mistakes is cheaper than from your own. The company will stimulate you to talk through your problems and the highs & lows.

Sixth, remember most people do pass - eventually!!

Wee Weasley Welshman
10th May 2001, 02:23