View Full Version : SAA Salaries

21st Mar 2001, 16:12
Hey all
Can anyone tell me how much money SAA's FO's and Captains earn??
And has anyone got any advice on their testing and selection procedure.



21st Mar 2001, 21:08
If you are not South African You have got no chance, This is an ex SAAF pilots club. If you are not one of them or your Father/Mother is not in there already, Bearing in mind that there Affirmitive action quota is virtually 50% of intake and there are a quite a few of my mates here in Africa with Jet time etc Full ATPL's and unable to land a right hand seat in a small turbo-prop.
Pay is in comparison with all the other reputable airlines around the world, With SAA payiny the best in Africa
Good Luck

cell cty, no radar, another bumpy flight

22nd Mar 2001, 00:55
Hey thanks for your input mate...I was looking for something a little more positive than that seeing that I am a coloured SA male..so even though I aint "black" I think I can get in on the Quota system.
So maybe someone can tell me what a salary on par with other majors are...and please give us some help on the selection, you know a few pointers from someone who got somewhere!!
Thanx again for your input mate...good on ya!


22nd Mar 2001, 01:19
Sorry forgot to mention,
The afirmitive action quota was for CEP's, as for your current staus as a coloured SA male, well unless you have ample jet time with full ATPL then you have as good of chance as the rest of us = zero
unless you post this in knowing you already have an interview (and that the chief pilot Capt W Walldock is your bestest pal). My Knowledge is that they are currently not hiring.
Good luck pal.
Pay structure F/O 36-40k per month (SA rand)

cell city, no radar, another bumpy flight.

22nd Mar 2001, 01:26
What has the money got to do with it anyway.
I remember when i was first trying to land a flying job, I was prepared to wash planes just for a few hours. even now with a few thousand hours under my belt If i was ever unemployed I would do anything legally to fly that extra hour.
Flying come from the love of it,not from how much cash you can get out of it.

cell city, no radar, another bumpy flight