View Full Version : Buzz Sponsorship w/Cabair in Feb's Pilot

16th Jan 2003, 11:48
Check it out.

16th Jan 2003, 12:04
Could you post it here for those of us abroad - asssume it is for flight instructing at cabair?

no sponsor
16th Jan 2003, 12:19
From the Buzz web-site:

'...operate a partial sponsorship scheme in conjunction with the Cabair Group of Flying Schools at Elstree. Tel no: 0181 953 4411'

16th Jan 2003, 12:19
We are seeking an intake of candidates to commence training during 2003. You must hold a JAA Class 1medical, have 2 a-levels, be 21-30 at 1st May, hold a JAA or CAA PPL(A) with 180hrs TT by the time you commence trainging.

After training you will work as an instructor for 2 years before joining the airline as a First Officer

Apply in writing only, enclosing a stamped addressed A4 envelope for the full details and application form which must be completed and returned by 24th Feb to

The Cabair Group Limited CAB/Buzz 2003,
Elstree Areodrome
Herts WD6 3AW

16th Jan 2003, 23:41
Thanks for the info guys,
I will be definately applying, although I dont have the 180tt, I could notch them up quickly if needed and it was said you need the hrs on commencement of training giving me a window of oppotunity as it does for everyone else. I will be in the middle of atpl groundschool aswell so let the games begin , I am writing already, CCCCCCCCCCC YAAAAAAAAAAAAAs:D

17th Jan 2003, 06:56
Does anyone have any ideas what the starting salary would be, aswell as any sector pay / benefits if starting through the sponsorship scheme? Would it be similar to that offered by Easyjet, i.e reduced salary for x years?

Also, what a/c do Buzz operate?


17th Jan 2003, 08:49
This sponsorship is the old KLM scheme run by Cabair that is now under the Buzz wing hense the 180tt requirement. It was also in Mondays Flight International.


17th Jan 2003, 09:02
How many hours do you have? I was quite a few short when I applied and that was one of the main reasons I wasn't selected.

Buzz's Website (http://www.buzzaway.co.uk)
There will probably be a reduced wage for a while, (not to mention the peanuts paid for instruction :D ) I guess there would be a bond as well, about £18k?

17th Jan 2003, 09:07
Yeah same for me GA. They do seem keen on having the hours or pretty close to them just so everyone's aware.

17th Jan 2003, 13:15
Regarding money, from the Cabair website:

"Sponsorships involve the candidate contributing upwards from £8,000 to £20,000....."

"An instructor can expect to earn up to £15,000pa, depending on the the level of sponsorship. After working for up to a two year contract period, the Instructor will take the Instrument Rating and Multi-Crew Co-operation Course, and then join the Airline which sponsored them."

This is not specific to the Buzz offer, but at least gives an idea. Time to write a letter I think.

18th Jan 2003, 04:46
Oooops I am just shy of 100hrs but its for ever climbing, and if I thought I was within a shout I would be perched at the ready to get those hours depending on the time scale. None the less I will give them a shout as I have done very well in past sponsorship schemes and aptitude tests obviously not good enough but I did get offered a ATC position and of course declined due to my need for speed. anyway wou will never know unless you go!!!!!!!!!!1

Artificial Horizon
18th Jan 2003, 15:46
I have been through this scheme and I can tell you that I was the only one of the people selected that actually had the full hours requirement. The rest ranged from 100TT and up, don't let this stop you from trying for it, Cabair will be quite willing to consider you if you can prove that you have the time and the money for some quick hour building, normally in the states.

As an instructor you will earn anywhere from £11,000 - 15,000 tops, as with the wage at buzz nobody knows as up until now sponsored pilots went to KlmUK onto turboprops and a wage of abourt £21,000 per year, buzz should be more because it will be a jet job, but who would know.

18th Jan 2003, 22:29
Thanks for that artificial horizon.
Thats great to hear.
Could you give me any tips on there preferred candidate and there selection processes and stages. Any advice would be much appreciated.

28th Jan 2003, 16:36
Hmm, so let's imagine a hypothetical person with 50 hours TT who only got their PPL November 2002. That "imaginary" person would probably have to do some pretty good writing/talking to even be in with a chance and borrow enough money to get 80 hours under their belt pretty quick, right?

But there's still got to be a chance!

(If you're borrowing 15-20 grand off a bank in the first place, you might as well make it 20-25!)

Course, this has nothing to do with me.....

28th Jan 2003, 17:34
Anyone been sent an application form yet ?

I wrote off on 13/01 and still haven't heard anything yet.

2nd Feb 2003, 18:31
Be VERY careful before signing up fo this scheme. Read ALL the details, and work out exactly what they mean to you.

Don't mean to be teaching people to suck eggs, I speak from experience.

email me for further details.

A and C
2nd Feb 2003, 18:50
I dont think that this is worth the price of a stamp now Ryanair have got hold of Buzz !.

Barney Stubble
3rd Feb 2003, 08:01
Hmm....working for buzz £34k pa plus uncertain future....Ryanair Euros 85k plus successful/profitable airline.

If Ryanair support this sponsorship (which there is no guarantee they will) I reckon it is a better deal by far.

Still all you wannabes are free to listen to A and C who obviously doesn't like Ryanair and won't be applying.


3rd Feb 2003, 08:34
I can't see Ryanair supporting this sponsorship. Which is a great shame.

However I stand by to be proved wrong.

3rd Feb 2003, 08:35
Have I read the terms of this 'sponsorship' correctly ?

Not only do they require a contribution of £23K but they also want a guarantee or bond to the value of at least £15K to cover their costs if you don't make the grade ?

Is that right ? If so, not sure I have that much cash left in the pot !!

Any views welcome.........Cheers TJ

3rd Feb 2003, 10:34
Hasent Buzz been absorbed into Ryanair?