View Full Version : change at ups

16th Jan 2003, 07:23
heard on the grapevine UPS will swop one of the 76ers
with a channex scareybus out of EMA to CGN starting soon
has anyone else herad anything?

16th Jan 2003, 13:50
Why would UPS do that ? Is IPA giving up on the scope clause ?

16th Jan 2003, 21:32
Hi folks กก
I hear that Swiftair is going to do that particular thing, because
N-guys maybe quitt. soon when Germany becomes ful JAA

Shuperstar Loadie
17th Jan 2003, 08:29
UPS have just woken up and realised that the "Scarey Bus" has a better reliability figure than their own fleet!

Fly the green fin!!!!!!!!

17th Jan 2003, 11:31
KOLDO, JAA will not make any difference. EU policy will.

17th Jan 2003, 22:21
Nothing to do with reliability...'tis all cost driven, as in bottom line.
Why pay USA wages when you can subservice at a lower cost...?:rolleyes: ;)
And, the UPS union can do nothing about it, oddly enough.

17th Jan 2003, 22:40
It may be "bottom line" but Channels reliability IS better !.
Why pay top $ when you can get a better service for less !.

18th Jan 2003, 07:33
411A , if IPA (UPS union) can't enforce their scope clause it surely must be a trafic rights question.