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22nd Aug 2001, 12:05
Whilst i,m fortunate enough to have a job I still retain my commercial instructor rating and try to keep a finger on the prune pulse.During a discussion with the training captains it was evident that at least two are attending the BALPA employment bash in October to quote: "get a wider picture".I know that at least six employers are speaking with regard to their company strategy for the future. I also discovered that two of our new FO,s had met the TC at last years seminar and hence were able to phone him and badger!
I don,t have to tell you how tough it is out there and any positive exposure can make a difference, even to getting the CV actually read. Our min requirements are now 1000hrs with at least 250 multi,MCC and ideally some jet pipe.Having said that,one chap we are seeing next week is well below this but is a serious "networker", infact he met our TC while on a visit to Cranebank making up the numbers on an SEP/CRM day and apparently appeared again at another GATCO bash.Places are limited but it,s worth a go for those of you ready to start work or very near completion.
Good luck.