View Full Version : Puma Crash At Abingdon

15th Jan 2003, 14:07
From the BBC:

An RAF helicopter has crashed into a field near Abingdon in Oxfordshire.
It is thought four people were on board the aircraft when it crashed.

Emergency services are at the scene and the occupants of the helicopter were being taken back to RAF Benson.

Speaking from the scene an ambulance crew said there did not appear to be anyone seriously injured.

The cause of the crash is not yet known.

15th Jan 2003, 15:00
Just seen the pictures on the Beeb, just a sorry looking Puma lying on its side, apparently another Puma took the crew onboard and took them to Benson, no fire or anything dangerous, just glad that the crew all got out and no other casualties.

A and C
15th Jan 2003, 22:02
It has been reported to me that all the crew are safe and well (apart from a bit of a shaking up ) the aircraft is not in such good health.

15th Jan 2003, 22:03
Near Abingdon (and even closer to the A34!) during daylight.

Aircraft appears to have toppled over after landing on soft, uneven ploughed field, reportedly after Mayday call. The wreck looked substantially complete and only a little twisted at the back end. Some fuel spillage but no fire. If its CAT 5 then it should at least be easily restorable as a GI or display airframe (it really didn't look that bad, in other words). All four aboard taken back to Benson on another No.33 Squadron Puma.

Film shown on local news. Female Squadron Leader from No.33 interviewed briefly, along with weirdy beardy ancient local aviation 'expert'. The latter surprisingly did an excellent job of defusing the journo's 'crash scandal approach' and associated questions by saying, "yes helos can make forced landings because that thing on the top is a rotary wing", then by saying "yes crews often survive such incidents" and "yes they can topple over if they autorotate onto such a poor surface, it's not a known or particular Puma weakness". Poor Central TV girlie looked deflated and wrapped up to camera very quickly.

Hope the guys are as OK as TV inferred.

Fg Off Max Stout
15th Jan 2003, 23:04
The crew, 2 of whom are good mates from a recent course in shropshire, are all fit and well. Not so sure about the ac. I believe there may be a celebratory pint or 2 had in Benson OM bar as we speak.

Let's break new ground by not speculating on what happened until the facts emerge. It'll make a good chat up line on saturday night though!

16th Jan 2003, 07:48
15jan03 XW214 Puma HC1 1120 RAF/33sq or Benson ASF? w/o

this was the Puma presumably, but this has yet to be confirmed as a/c was on its side crash landing in a field off Drayton Road (Abingdon)

16th Jan 2003, 13:52
Hey Jacko, once is enough!

How convenient that Central have a news room in Abingdon!

16th Jan 2003, 17:48
Sorry! This is two merged threads, have removed second post.

20th Jan 2003, 20:39
Anyone heard any more about this one?? It seems to have gone very quiet if it was a crash?

Waddock Hunt
24th Jan 2003, 00:29
Well rumours are fairly rife in my sleepy part of the West Midlands...... and it sounds like something that's happened before!!

25th Jan 2003, 05:45

What the anticipators?

25th Jan 2003, 09:59
But it begs the question "What Anticipators"??

Waddock Hunt
26th Jan 2003, 19:47
Something like the anticipators!!! Or at least one big anticipator!

Fg Off Max Stout
26th Jan 2003, 22:18
Very diplomatic, Waddock. Getting warmer - allegedly.

ShutUp and Drive
27th Jan 2003, 08:05
Hey guys. It has already been suggested that the cause of this incident should not be speculated upon. I agree. The public domain is not the place to gossip and spread rumour and counter-rumour. It is the job of the BoI to find out, not for a bunch of half informed scavengers like us to stir it up.

Whatever the cause, let's just all be thankful that everyone got out without so much as a scratch and wait for the Accident Report to tell us the real story.

28th Jan 2003, 13:56
It's traditional for an anticipator to have something to anticipate!



30th Jan 2003, 16:33
Shut Up And Drive
Take a chill pill. No one has said anything wrong on this thread, and this is called the Proffessional Pilots RUMOUR network. If you do not like rumour and speculation then go somewhere else.

31st Jan 2003, 00:02

I think you'll find it is the job of the BOI to gather all the facts then blame the nav.

ShutUp and Drive
31st Jan 2003, 09:55

Sorry, didn't mean to sound so grumpy. I fully appreciate the value and use of PPrune and have used it myself for over 2 years. My point really was that often theses things can be traumatic for all involved, not just in physical terms, but in mental ways too.

It is a well known fact that most aircrew suffer from guilt and remorse following a crash of any kind (especially one where the potential of killing or injuring someone is as high as this was), irrespective of whether it was aircraft or aircrew at fault.

It is difficult enough for these aircrew as it is, without us lot adding to those feelings. I know if I were in the same position, the last thing I would want is speculation. As aircrew I feel it is our job protect each other from all the back biting and in fighting that seems to dominate the rest of the military.

Don't want to seem against the spirit of the forum. :ok:


As for the BoI gathering the facts and then blaming the nav, they'll struggle this time as the front end was crewed by 2 pilots. Could always blame the crewman though... (Always seems to be the way...)


31st Jan 2003, 12:16
I know lets have a pilots get the medals, crewmen get the interview with the Staish thread:

Or better still, lets not! Shove that opinion up your hoop!:*

31st Jan 2003, 15:54
Shut Up And Drive
Thanks. Fair point, I undertand what your saying, having been in a bad prang myself.

ShutUp and Drive
4th Feb 2003, 18:18

The crewman comment was a JOKE!! I was a crewman once and I was just trying to highlight how they always seem to get the blame if there's no other scapegoat. Keep your 'air on.

If you're on the ac type I think you are, you know both the reason for the crash by now and indeed the crewman. I know as well as you do that he would appreciate the banter...

Once again, no offence meant.