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View Full Version : Mildenhall Air Fete

6th May 2001, 22:53
Anyone off to Mildenhall Air Fete in 3 weeks time? I can't wait...I went for the first time last year. They have a real quality display there. The place is cool aswell...it like a little version of the US lol...
Anyone else going? Tell me your experiences of the Air Fete...



Anyone like to sponsor a 16 year old aspiring pilot to do a PPL? I have little money, but have an amazing attraction to an aviation career/lifestyle - Email me please!!

7th May 2001, 00:13
Mike - enjoy! Probably one of the best days out around, the yanks dont do anything by halves and if they think they can outsmart their British hosts, they'll try twice as hard!
PPL sponsorship - forget it! For every excuse you can think of as to why you should be sponsered, I canthink of two as to why you should pay for it yourself.
OK it is a lot of money, but if you can show you've put in the effort, then you're more likely to get sponsorship for the ATPL through the ailine/Cabair scheme.
I would suggst that you approach the owner of a local flying club and offer to wash aircraft, do the books, answer the phones, and be general dogsbody, in return for free flying hours. Several close friends did this and now fly in command with a number fo the UKs leading airlines.
Basically, if you arent prepared to commit yourself at this stage, you ain't going to make it elsewhere.

7th May 2001, 01:06
I understand mate, the signature is just a bit of enterprising - wishful thinking if you like. I'm going to head up to the local airport (Coventry) and offer to do all that kind of stuff. I've good skills in Computing so maybe one of them will want website design or similar in return for some flying.

All the same, thanks for your advice, feel free to email me with any more tips you have...



7th May 2001, 05:35
The KC.135 is bound to have those jet boosters strapped to the wings!

A 90 degree AOB climb! Hello??

Last time I went to "Mildy" the B.1 Bomber made me nose bleed!!


PS: Can't wait !

PPS: Did someone say 'Burger?"

7th May 2001, 19:45
When I last went, the was a running competition from year to year from the regular people on the coach. I believe the record for eating burgers and sausages was 12 and 4 respectively! Plus lots of nice ice cold Bud!

Unfortunately, I only had 5 burgers, Marj had put me on a diet that year :)

Homer ;)

Duff, Duff, that Wonderful stuff. Ummmmm Doughnuts