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View Full Version : SFT -v- Cabair -v- OATS pass marks

21st Aug 2001, 21:53
Just wondering if anyone has any information on the average marks attained by students on the ab initio ATPL courses at the above colleges ie do OATS have the highest pass marks as their new literature claims?

Also what is the approximate % employment rate for recent graduates from the CAP509 courses for each institution within say 6 months of graduation? (Even a guesstimate would be better than nothing!)



21st Aug 2001, 22:02
Desk Pilot,

Interesting question and I too would like to hear any guestimates. Might also be worth asking about BAe in Jerez.


Send Clowns
21st Aug 2001, 22:10
There is no longer any such thing as CAP509. That was CAA, no equivalent under JAA, so any statistics would be way out of date in a rapidly-changing business.

As far as I know pass rate comparisons are not published. If you find such, however, take them with caution. Remember both Cabair and Oxford deal largely with sponsored students, each of which has passed interviews and aptitude tests and been selected for academic and potential flying ability, as indeed do BAe. For a time some schools tested all students, and did not allow students to even sit the course on their own money if they did not pass! No students at SFT are sponsored, and all are self-selecting. Many are older and have been out of education for some time (though this is not always a disadvantage - one of my current class is in this category, and is doing very well and has passed all his first set).

Having said this we are very pleased with our students, as our pass rates are very satisfactory. They work hard in a very supportive environment. Even those that struggle through do get there eventually, with help from the hardworking grounschool instructors!

If you want information about SFT, don't hesitate to email. I completed a JAA modular course with them, and now work for them as a groundschool instructor.

Flying Farmer
25th Aug 2001, 13:08
Send Clowns

Older and out of education for a while, wonder who that might be !!!
Might be worth mentioning that out of the 9 who started our ATPL's in April, 4 got all 8 of the Tech's first time.


Wee Weasley Welshman
25th Aug 2001, 13:35
No stats are avilable. Never have been and never will be. Pity.


Al Francis
25th Aug 2001, 14:54
Just finished JAA Ab course at OATS. I have been extremely lucky, landed a very good jet job with one of the largest UK airlines. The course is good, the aircraft something else. Also have a couple of friend who went to Jerez. They both have jobs within two months of leaving.
Oxford claim to help you find a job. They do if you get first time passes in every subject and an average of 86% and first time passes in all flight tests. From my course, out of ten, four people have jobs.
At Oxford the ground school is second to none, they relly help you out and care about you passing. I've heard that the ground school at Jerez isn't as good. I would definately go to Oxford, but if they say it's going to take 16 months, leave 20. when you are there, make sure you're not bunked off your plane by a sponsored student and you'll be OK. null

Wee Weasley Welshman
25th Aug 2001, 14:57
Tigro - who are the 2 self sponsored Jerez grads you know? I think I might know them and therefore who you are - haven't gone to Britannia and Logan by any chance.

Well done by the way. Now the *real* work starts!