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21st Aug 2001, 20:28
Know it might just be a wild rumour, but I've heard that SFT will be closing down due to lack of profitability . . . anyone heard anything? Am about to book a course so obviously need to know the situation . . .

21st Aug 2001, 20:32
I strongly suggest that you contact them before booking anything and ask them for assurances - in writing - that they are not closing.

If they hedge at that point, they are!

21st Aug 2001, 21:20
Hold on a second.

There is plenty of speculation on another thread about SFT's involvement with Ambassador Airways in Naples, but I've yet to hear any problems with their UK operation.

As far as I can see, the only way the US issue will impact on the UK operation is that it may cause SFT to rethink who they send their students to in the US.

Having said all of that, if there is an issue with SFT's profitability, then I too would like to know as I too am about to sign with them!


Harvey SM
21st Aug 2001, 21:34
Well I for one hope that this is a wild rumour. As one of the students left out of pocket from PPSC, Lets hope that this is all nonsense. Starting with SFT next Tuesday for groundschool completion..... fingers crossed!

Lightning ace
21st Aug 2001, 21:44
This rumour was started by 'THE SILVER FOX' & 'AS THE PROP TURNS' on the other 4 forces thread.
As a PPL just about to sign up and pay up with SFT. I am still waiting for a reply from these people, as to what their facts are and where they heard them ?????

So far it seems just like idle crap. Probably from some other FTO. I notice the acusers don't list their location.


I don't think this is very fair. Wild rumours being posted without even basic details. What about taking action to stop this idiots, unless they provide their details and sources....

Send Clowns
21st Aug 2001, 21:56
Thank you, Lightning Ace, for your support. It reduces my irritation at this thread after the wild and unsubstatiated rumour and out-and-out lies on the other thread :(.

This is not true.

SFT is trying to expand its operation, setting up plans for distance learning and for integrated courses, if enough students are available to make these options worthwhile. I understand we are still acquiring more aircraft.

In the meantime we are consolidating, with the very real aim of being accepted as having the best modular course in the business. I would argue that this already was the best at the time I went through the course, last year to this June.

If anyone is considering a modular course and want more information about SFT from a former student who is now an instructor you are welcome to email me. I will give as unbiased an impression as I can, and can dispel many a rumour.

Wee Weasley Welshman
21st Aug 2001, 22:29
From my quick rummage around the industry this afternoon I can find nothing to substantiate this rumour.

I urge everyone to disregard.

Who started it?


Facts Not Fiction Pls
21st Aug 2001, 22:53
I think all have got a little muddled -

The questions came up about the SFT affiliate not SFT - I have heard nothing but expansion about SFT however do question the viability of their Florida connection as their stories seem to differ in regards to the associated Airline.

However, today there seems to have been a change in the SFT web site no longer listing the affiliate airline?!!!!! :rolleyes:

Send Clowns
21st Aug 2001, 23:08
Thanks for your support, WWW :), it is much appreciated.


Facts not Fiction pls

I understand that Florida Air were never listed as an affiliate, just an associate of the Florida school we work with. There is a world of difference betwen association and affiliation! ([insert your username here] ;) )

Facts Not Fiction Pls
21st Aug 2001, 23:24
Pedantics Send Clowns!

Whatever you say, my questions were true and the answers have been laid out.

Only facts have been listed as the web pages and articles have shown. If Ambassador had not come back that they have nothing to so with Florida Air it would have stopped there. They put themselves in the mud with thier comments.

Just shows that you should be careful what you list and know to be fact! :)

Send Clowns
21st Aug 2001, 23:38
I am afraid I will have to dispute that, it was not pedantic. It is an important difference between an unspecified lose connection, an 'association' and what I believe implies a legally-binding partnership, an 'affiliation'. Ambassador denied the latter connection with Florida Air when in truth only the former was ever claimed as far as I can find.

You had very valid questions / concerns, as I said based on rumours that would legitimately concern someone about to start a course with SFT. As far as I can see your questions have been answered, and the rumours have been shown to be founded on misunderstanding.

I know nothing really about Florida Air, except that it is owned by a Dutchman and that this has given them some trouble with their AOC. Now that SFT is aware of this, it seems mention of Florida Air has been removed from SFT's website. I would suggest that SFT has acted in good faith so far

22nd Aug 2001, 00:20
I may have lost the plot here, so tell me if my thoughts are wrong. SFT send students for a large part of their training to Florida USA. SFT were sending students to Ormond Beach Aviation. Lately, SFT students have been sent to Ambassador. Where are SFT sending students currently/in the future? I apologise in advance if any of these facts are incorrect, but it is just a statement of my understanding :confused:

22nd Aug 2001, 01:24
Multos Apologias - my intention was never to START a rumour, but to question it in the hope of having it dispelled- it would appear from the overwhelming response that SFT is safe and that the problems are with the US afiliate - Just as well, I intend starting there in Oct. Thanks to all who replied :)

22nd Aug 2001, 01:29
I have sent a private message to Silver Fox asking him to substantiate his allegations or withdraw his post. The fact that he is an instructor suggests to me that his motives weren't exactly altruistic.
I am still awaiting a reply.

Send Clowns
22nd Aug 2001, 01:46
Spooky - he'll start to get paranoid, Scroggs, as I sent him a very similar message! Thanks very much for your support on this.

I also am an instructor (SFT). I try not to post anything about other schools, would post nothing unless it is specific, important and substantiated (i.e. true and in the public interest, like the libel defence!), and certainly would not post vague hints of problems without even saying what they were.


SFT changed from using OBA (where I went last year when I was on the course) to Ambassador. For the forseeable future SFT will use them as far as I know, and am sure if anything changes the alternative will be at least as good as OBA (which I really liked).


Look forward to seeing you in October :)

[ 21 August 2001: Message edited by: Send Clowns ]

22nd Aug 2001, 02:12
glad SFT is OK,
I have only ever heard VERY good
reports about the courses there,

keep em' flying

Send Clowns
22nd Aug 2001, 02:19
Thanks for the support, Old timer :)

Makes me feel better, after an evening spent doing nothing but trying to answer these rumours :( I get nothing out of it, but I know where I was in 1999, trying to find a course, and wanting the best information I could get, and don't want people to rule SFT out unnecessarily. Like most of the aviation industry, we feel a genuine desire to help those that want to follow us in our passion.