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View Full Version : No Mon, No Fun

6th May 2001, 02:28
Hello people...
Some one once said "No Mon, No Fun" and damn, that's true when it comes to the prices of flying!

I am new to this, but I am 16, male from Coventry. I am in first year A Level Maths Physics and Computing...I am realisticly (hopefully) aiming for A's and B's in all of them.
I am going to try to get into aviation through BA's scheme, or a similar part sponsorship, as I hear that AirLingus have stopped all sponsorships for a bit.
I am 17 in July, so I am too young to apply for the scholarships etc..on GAPAN this year, which makes me very http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif
I decided that I seriously need to get some PPL hours in, as my grand total at the moment is zero! I am going to have a trial lesson in a few weeks, probably at Air Atlantique or similar club, and hope to get some more hours after that. I have very little funds, but have a serious passion for aviation, and can't see myself doing anything else except commercial/corporate pilot in the future! (Commercial first, but corporate sounds really cool, and I love small jets/props...)
Do you live locally, do you have any experience of the clubs at Cov? If so, tell em about it...PLEASE!!!!!
I want to join a sponsored scheme in Summer 2002, so I need to know when and where to apply, especially for BA? Help!
Also, is there any way that I could get lessons at a lower cost? I'm willing to do part time work for a club or something...If anyone has any interesting stories relating to this - PLEASE PLEASE tell me!

So far, I've found the pilots and the general aviation community really helpful towards myself and others in my situation, so you have a reputation to keep up! ;)
Feel free to email me, I'm as easy going as you can get!



Anyone like to sponsor a 16 year old aspiring pilot to do a PPL? I have little money, but have an amazing attraction to an aviation career/lifestyle - Email me please!!

6th May 2001, 16:23
Have you thought about joining the Air Training Corps...
It will give you good exposure to flying, you will learn a lot, and when you go for these BA/Gapan etc interviews it will demonstrate your motivation and enthusiasm.
Not sure, but I think the RAF also do flying scholarships, anybody in the know care to comment ?
Good luck

Speedbird 2946
6th May 2001, 20:45
Dirk, you are correct about the Air Training Corps being good for aspiring aviators! Look up your local squadron in your phone book and go along. Although it's geared towards military aviation, the theoretical training is good, as is the leadership training, sports, and FLYING! YES! Free flying lessons and even glider flights. I've flown in Bulldog, Tutor, Jetstream, Chinook, Sea King and I have evn flown a Tucano!

RAF Flying Scholarships for aspriing RAF and Royal navy officers have been suspended awaiting review.

SB :)