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View Full Version : BA and A-Level Results

20th Aug 2001, 22:50
Any advice on how strict BA are about A-level results ? I'm looking to apply for the CEP scheme.

21st Aug 2001, 00:55
Very. Wouldn't let me in even though I'd passed 2 years of a difficult degree course 'cause I didn't have two A-Levels A-C (had 3, only 1 A-C). Fact that I did Maths and Physics didn't seem to matter, even though some idiot with an 2 A-Levels in Drama and basket weaving could have got in!

What a lucky escape that was, anyhow!! ;)

21st Aug 2001, 01:00
Hmm .... well, I suppose there is no harm in trying.

21st Aug 2001, 04:11
Hold on

I thought u needed 2 A-C's or a 2:2 at University.

Ie if u got 3 E's and a 2:2 u could apply or u got aaa and say a 3rd in some hard thing at a top uni u still could apply.

Am I wrong
