View Full Version : opportunities for low hour pilots?

sam white
7th Jan 2003, 16:35

Happy new year, Well I have just had a shiney new JAA CPL Multi/IR, issued. (Did IR on Cessna 310).

If anyone could give me any pointers, as to who (if anyone) is employing low low low time pilots, as myself out there, i would be very grateful.

I am an ex-military man, have a background in aircraft mechanics, (6 years) and will live anywhere and fly anything.

Thanks. [email protected]

5th Feb 2003, 23:32
hey I am in the same boat that you are with the exception that I do not have a military back ground and I do not work on aircraft. But I do break them once in a while. I have a suggestion to the reason that I asked you if you are religious. I was trying to find a way to make a buck and fly. But having only a limited amount of time I found that the only places that I did qualify (bairly) is with the missionary groups. They require for you to pay your way but have talked to others that the rest of it is paid for. Besieds you get to do some really neat flying and to go to places that are just wonderful. For myself. I don't work for free. If it is your calling then have at it. Good luck to you.

I ment to give you a few names. you can try MAF. Missionary Aid Fellowship. Well that is all that i can find. Sorry. I can't seem to access my info. opps. good luck.

6th Feb 2003, 16:22
Hey Sam, read up on Maun, Botswana.

There is a thread going on at the minute detailing what Maun is all about. It appears that although you won't get rich, it is hours in the book and perhaps may lead to other things. Besides, I'd give my left and right arm to fly over there if only they'd invented an aircraft for armless people.
