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20th Aug 2001, 18:03
I have just been accepted today for my first job - on a jet!! Aged 40 with only 300hrs I have spent the past year trying without any luck. I was on the verge of giving up when along came this offer.

So to all those who worry about age etc - take heart. You can and will succeed.

To all those that know me - THANKYOU for all your help and advice along the way. :D

no sponsor
20th Aug 2001, 18:20
Well done - With whom, and what's the jet?

Curious Pax
20th Aug 2001, 18:34
Nimrod Congratulations. Can you give an idea of the training route you took (modular, integrated etc) and how long it took from beginning to end?

20th Aug 2001, 19:49
Well done Nimrod, that's the kind of news I like to hear... :)

20th Aug 2001, 19:52
Congratulations nimrod - I'm sure you deserve it!

Having only recently started the distance learning module, I'm not quite at the job hunting stage yet. Nevertheless would be interested how you went about applying, to what kind of companies, and what sort of responses you received.

20th Aug 2001, 19:58
Well done mate...just think how cheap your sports car insurance will be compaired with all the 20 somethings !

As the others have already said - Please tell us all how you managed to bag the RHS ? :)

Simon W
20th Aug 2001, 20:02
Congratulations and best of luck with your new career. I have no doubt that there are alot envious wannabes reading this post!



20th Aug 2001, 22:02
I have 200 hours and am 39, so I am very interested in where you got your job. I have my commercial with multi-IFR rating. Can you help?

20th Aug 2001, 22:56

Well done! Perhaps you could give us other aspirants some clues on how you accomplished this feat... Any success tips?

What type of jet will you fly and from where?

Can't wait to hear the details....


20th Aug 2001, 23:04
Congrats. I don't usually read this forum, but your post caught my eye on the main BB page. To give a bit of inspiration to those who hear the age line all the time. I completed my CPL in late 96, and had my first wide body job two years later.

Good Luck to all

20th Aug 2001, 23:55
Nimmer me old,

Well done

Don't forget to check the re-fuel panel.

JN :p

21st Aug 2001, 02:53
Thankyou for all your replies - just back from the pub after a little celebration!!

My story - service background, PPL, BCPL, ATPL exams with PPSC, upgrade course with OATS. Unemployed with debt!! With no FO job in sight gained employment with Airtours as FE. Working 6 months - then out of the blue a call last Tuesday for a Sim assessment on the Thursday. Given the OK today. The lesson.....do NOT give up

Not quite there yet - yes, I have a long way to go but its an opportunity I have longed for and will work hard at.

I'll update you on progress.

Jim Nich - nice to hear from you - the gamble paid off! Will call soon.

I'm off for another beer!!

Pilot Pete
21st Aug 2001, 07:41
Well done Nimrod!

piperindian take note, another success story from someone who has 'thrown away his £50k' during this 'crap time for getting pilot jobs'. Care to respond, or are you staying quiet until you can shoot down a wanabee who wants some encouragement?

Enjoy Nimrod!


21st Aug 2001, 12:25
Excellent news and many congratulations.

26th Aug 2001, 07:43
I´m happy you´ve made it. :D

26th Aug 2001, 09:49
Congratulations Nimrod, well done. Enjoy your new position.



26th Aug 2001, 14:49
Cool and well done null :)

26th Aug 2001, 16:15
Just to confirm that there is life after 30!

A colleague of mine got his first AOC job at age 53!!!

OK it was a turboprop (ATR) flying mostly an night, but so what!!!

Don't give up!!

[ 26 August 2001: Message edited by: TheSilverFox ]

27th Aug 2001, 14:32
Nimrod, excellent news and very encouraging for this thirty something wanabee.
Wishing you many happy flying hours as an ex-wannabe.

27th Aug 2001, 14:42
Very cool,and well done.
Happy flying. :cool:

27th Aug 2001, 14:43

Well done mate - another one over the fence!

Pilot Pete,

piperindian is just ronchonner with better spelling :D Ignore him.


Nearly Man
27th Aug 2001, 14:45
Hey Nimrod

Congrats.....you did have about 4 billions hrs as engineer on Nimrods though....di that help a bit?

27th Aug 2001, 16:23
Helo people in pprune land.

this guy is one of the few luckEy ones who went along with the ScAM and got airliner job after pleasing the JaA AND CAA with his dollars for long time. it does not hapen much. be warned. many of you will spend many dollars in JAA and no job will com becuase it is ONE BiG ScaM to get More of YouR dollars. I think thIs guy pRobAbly works for the JAa and is trying to increase there profits by signing up more wannabes for the JAR ScaM! do not be foolled into thincking jobs are out there for u in EU. there are pleantty jobs in USA thou and if you cared about proper flying u would com heRe. it is rel flying my freinds not a burocracy exercise making paper empires with multiple choice tick box answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27th Aug 2001, 16:51
Ronc / piperindian / rodolphe / arnaud / mr.smith - we love you mate!
:D ;) :p :D ;) :p

btw, Well done Nimrod!

27th Aug 2001, 17:04
This rodolphe really is a heavenly gift :D . Each time we have a success story here, he finds a way to complain about regs, taxes, etc. Thank U rodolphe for giving us such a good time. I'm sure U'd make more money as a clown or story-teller than whatever U're making in aviation. BTW, why do we never get to hear from U on the french forum ? I would LOOOOOVE to read some of your nice comments in french. See U there.

Your nr 1 fan,


27th Aug 2001, 17:16
I happen to know Nimrod and he is a good example of the saying (The harder you work, the luckier you get "

27th Aug 2001, 19:50

Congrats mate it always puts a smile on my face to see people getting their long awaited job.
I noticed you are from Manchester.
I am too, where abouts are you from?
Im from peaceful OLDHAM here!
Well done

27th Aug 2001, 22:43
However what kind of connection did you need to get that job especially at your age ? Thats the only way it works right now

For the misinformed, i am not the same person as Rodolphe, Arnaud and others
We just share the same point of view on the job market and JAA system in Europe.
It stinks !