View Full Version : Aussy ATPL conversion from Canadian

6th Jan 2003, 22:53
Anyone out there that can give me the low down on what it takes to convert my Canadian ATPL to an Austrailian. I know alot of countries out there give credit for other licences from other countries! Just curious as to what aus will give me!!

I have 5150TT
Jet 1500TT
TProp 3400TT

I am asking out of interest! I am very happy in Canada but was thinking of doing a masters in aviation down under and I am trying to find away to cut costs!

thanks Cormac

7th Jan 2003, 10:32
Best bet check out the CASA (Aus CAA) website. Ive got to do three exams and the command Instrument rating test to convert mine (UK ATPL). Might be worth posting this on the Downunder and Godzone post.
Good luck