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1st Jan 2003, 14:23
I was wondering what peoples average flying day consists of?

1st Jan 2003, 21:15
Sign on at 5.30am, 1.5hrs duty including 0.8hrs flying, then 10hr rest period away from base, sign on again at 5.00pm, another 1.5hrs duty with another 0.8hrs in the book.

Usually 4 days a week, sometimes 5 with another day of instructing making up the week.



2nd Jan 2003, 02:08
0700. Wake. The 3 S's. (S. S. S.)

0900. Sign On.

0901 to 1700. SWEET FANNIE ADAMS!!!!!!!

1701. Drive home.

Occasionally "0901 to 1700 Sweet F.A." section may be replaced with "actual flying."

Hopefully 2003 will bring me some hope.

Happy new year. And for God's sake......STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!......:) ;)

the wizard of auz
3rd Jan 2003, 09:47
03:30 get out of bed and drink coffee.

04:00 fly out to job if close to town or walk over to aircraft if camping out.

04:10 refuel from drum stock and do water checks, check oil.

04:30 brief mustering team on paddock and positions, do radio checks.

04:45 to some where near dark o'clock, get bashed around the sky in monster thermals and strong winds whilst trying to balance my attention between shouting instuctions to station hands (Many have just learned how to talk without dribbling and walk upright) pushing stock in the right direction (despite all the station hands efforts to move em in the wrong direction) not hit trees, and act as a radio relay between the homestead and the boss, who, although he contributes little more than the average station hand, believes his attendance is imperative to the operation being a success, instead of staying home and running the station and making my work load a whole bunch less radio work.

around 10:00 ish go and get some more fuel so I can carry on for a bit longer without falling out of the sky .

Near days end, do a quick ( I love it when they say that on these million and a half acre blocks) bore run and check there is no stock perishing anywhere.

Days end, Land and order more fuel (they never seem to have enough to complete the job) do paper work whilst trying to eat, feild the other three cockies phone calls that have decided to start mustering tomorrow and can I be there to start early (they sometimes believe I only operate on their property and should be able to start whith no notice at all, then get cranky when you inform them your at another job that still has eight days to go) fix radios (its very very hard to work out that the channel button moved sometime during the day if your a station hand, so the radio must be buggard) and have a nice relaxing can whilst sorting out the generator (cause you can flya plane so you must have a degree in electronics and engine repair) and answer all those great questions about what happens when the engine stalls.

sometime during the evening, go to my swag or bed and dream about what I would do with all that money that I would have if I could get some of these cockies to pay me (the pilot can wait for his money.......strewth, he's a pilot so he must have a fortune stacked away somewhere).

03:30 start it all again.

;) dunno if I could work for a boss though, or in a normal job either, for that matter.

4th Jan 2003, 03:40
Out of bed 0430, sign on 0530, airborne to luverly inland destination at 0630, arrive 0730 (already 32deg, fantastic). Depart luverly inland destination 0800 (challenge - try to beat the jet out) arrive back at tropical Pilbara paradise at 0900. Faff around the office for next hour, coz its already 37deg and getting hotter by the second, and all that awaits is several hours of washing planes, scrubbing hangar floors, dogsbodying around the hangar until you judge it late enough to ask if you can go home now, please? Please? :(

the wizard of auz
4th Jan 2003, 07:02
It'll happen soon mate, they'll let you drive the cheiftan.
in the mean time you can scoot over to that luverly little mango tree for a feed when ever you like and enjoy that luverly little town where you live. :D ;)

Hugh Jarse
4th Jan 2003, 07:15
Wiz, have you ever thought of writing a book? Damn interesting, what you wrote :)

Keep it coming.:)

Mr. Hat
4th Jan 2003, 10:16
Wiz - Have a high level of respect for what you are doing out there. True hard yards - I pay my respects.:)

the wizard of auz
5th Jan 2003, 08:06
I did once think of writing a book........in my spare time, in between fixing generators and sleeping, but all the other paper work and juggling the phone calls gets in the way. :D

Hard yards they are indeed....... but I wanted to work for meself and then I got so busy doing it I forgot to do other stuff. one gets used to it.....and it gives me something to winge about. :D