View Full Version : ATPL feedback? (Merged)

Blue Bug
30th Dec 2002, 18:48
I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am battling away with the ATPL writtens and have heard people talk of feedback questions. Could anyone tell me where i can obtain any!!

Facts Not Fiction Pls
31st Dec 2002, 22:06
Your school should be able to provide you with all the latest questions.

Gareth Jones
1st Jan 2003, 19:29
send me an email
[email protected]
i've just just finished at London Guildhall University. We've been on the scrounge all year and I've now got all the latest feedback for most subjects from Cabair, Oxford, Bristol and London Guildhall.

1st Jan 2003, 20:00
I take it you have permission from London Guildhall, and the other organisations you mention, to distribute this information? If not, don't you think it might have been a bit rash to have posted under your own name? And could you not see that a thread already existed on this topic?

Virgin/Wannabes Moderator
[email protected]

3rd Jan 2003, 21:55
send me a private message with your e-mail and I'' give you what feedback I have.


5th Jan 2003, 18:49
Scroggs agree - we couldnt have someone sending around ATPL feedback for free when the FTO's charge a couple of grand for it could we.

6th Jan 2003, 19:25
feedback is a free service.!!!
if I tell you the questions of the FAA you will have for the test,do I have to pay somebody.I dont think.it s not copyright, so???
if the CAA doesnt want release their questions, it normal some students look around for feedback.
when I will go to pass my Tests, I will post the question and it will be free of charge.

7th Jan 2003, 08:58
I agree. I think it would be very difficult for a school to claim any copyright on feedback questions.

Their model answers to these questions... well that's a completely different story.


7th Jan 2003, 10:47
My concern isn't the fact that feedback questions are circulated - in fact, the more the better. What does worry me is the possibility of documents prepared commercially by schools being horse-traded on Pprune. That could either put us (Pprune) in breach of copyright, or could leave us open to accusations of enabling illegal trading in commercial products in breach of their terms of sale.

Please bear that in mind when you make offers of swapping schools' information publicly!

Virgin/Wannabes Moderator
[email protected]