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17th Aug 2001, 21:37
Just one question:


I say again.....


I believe in some countries they call it theft!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

17th Aug 2001, 23:41
What company are u talking about ?

(PPSC or ???)

18th Aug 2001, 00:11
I assume you refer to PPSC or 4Forces, and I suggest you take this up with your solicitor. There's little point in doing it here, unless you wish to organise a class action. You should know (and your solicitor will tell you) that unfulfilled customers are last on the list of creditors to get paid when a company goes into liquidation. Sorry.

Crosswind Limits
18th Aug 2001, 00:34
You have my sympathy MorningGlory but it's not theft by any legal definition. Only 3 weeks ago I was informed that a dotcom company that I had bought shares in 2 years ago was going into voluntary liquidation -"unable to meet its obligations" I was told. A return to any of the shareholders is also looking very unlikely. I lost £6500 that I invested and the potential for a lot more had the dotcom bubble not burst when it did. My only regret is not selling last year when my shareholding was valued at nearly £20,000. That would have really helped with my flight training. I guess I got sidetracked onto other issues and perhaps a little greedy too - now it's too late.

C'est la vie.

18th Aug 2001, 12:25

I appreciate your legal words of wisdom, and of course I realise that "legally" unless the company was insolvent at the time of taking payment from me that the immoral actions were not illegal.

My point is a frustrated one, one that I think you have overlooked. I obviously realise that as an ex customer of ppsc that I will be a the very bottom of the creditors list along with all my other colleagues, this I accept.

I am just very very p@*sed off that the said person carried on trading knowing that the company was imminently going to the wall.

So as far as your advice on speaking to my solicitor, I think we both understand that it would be an utter waste of time and more precious money which I no longer have.

So now I'm sure you'll understand my point of view,(one which I believe you can really only understand if it happens to you!)

Thank you!

Ps: If the said person would like to sell the Mercedes and pay the out of pocket students back, I'm sure we'll find that acceptable!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ 18 August 2001: Message edited by: MorningGlory ]

18th Aug 2001, 12:49
It may not be illegal, but surely it is morally wrong.

She will have known that there was little chance that Morning Glory would receive the services for which he/she was paying.

Perhaps we should keep an eye out for her and boycott any company she subsequently works for.

clear prop!!!
18th Aug 2001, 13:15
Fully sympathise MG

You are quite right to be pissed off, there can't be a soul here who wouldn't be.

If as you say the said person took money knowing that the inevitable was only days away, she deserves all the haranguing she gets here...and more.

In the eyes of the law it 'may' be nothing more than immoral, but this is a small industry and if what you say is true, we all need to know to avoid her and any company she becomes involved with in the future. On that basis you post is fully justified.

It's tough enough without treatment like that! At least there are some honest schools out there who seem prepared to help.

Good luck!!

David Webb
18th Aug 2001, 17:41
Hi MorningGlory,

I have asked my wife to sell her Mercedes in order that we can pay the bills since I have lost my PPSC salary. Since she bought it with her own money you can imagine the response!

Still, I take your point.


18th Aug 2001, 17:42
Thanks Guys. A little support doesn't top up the bank balance but makes me feel better when you know other trainee ATPL's are on your side!


18th Aug 2001, 17:46
Hi David,

I think your ex boss (and I quote), was about "as useful as tits on a nun"

;) ;) ;)

18th Aug 2001, 21:30
Altough my loss was only £400 it's still a loss! As for the Mercedes! sorry Dave poor mans Porsche (Or Jaguar in your case!) Two new tyres would cover my costs. Keep it British...... Oh and that means not ripping people off GAIL............P.S just got my hands on a nice second hand TKM, goes like stink! Duelling with Charlie? .......... :eek:

David Webb
20th Aug 2001, 22:14

Your post quotes one of my favourite phrases used in class. However, for people reading this thread it would indicate that I have described Gail in this way. I certainly have never done so, nor will I ever do so in the future. I must admit that she has treated me with the greatest respect as a long-serving instructor. Nobody using this forum yet knows the truth - perhaps we should all wait until it is available. I emphasise that PPSC exists no more and I have no further loyalty to the company, and will not be offered a job with whatever arises from this sad situation. I just think that I should put my sentiments into the public domain. In the end, Gail must take responsibilty for what has occurred, but there is more to it than most people know.

clear prop!!!
21st Aug 2001, 01:31
David you are correct.

There are many sad side issues involved in a company going down. The principals of that company often suffer untold stress for months prior the final demise.

However, the one rule in business is never to compromise the ’little’ people who can ill afford to suffer the results of a failed business. To pay Directors salaries, car lease payments and expenses would be inexcusable if the end was in sight, yet still take money from students who were never going to see the end (or start) of their course.

Now, I for one don’t know that this was the case, but right now from where MG is sitting Gail has a lot of explaining to do!

Nearly Man
21st Aug 2001, 01:40
I'm at ATA at the moment. The phones have been ringing constantly from worried and desperate guys from PPSC!
We already have one guy from PPSC who lost a quiet a bit. They were told on the day of closure they weren't allowed to take any books with them....books they already paid for!!!

All I'm going to say is that I think it stinks.....where are the morals and scruples?

Airborne Hamster
21st Aug 2001, 03:59
Since my first involvement with PPSC in '93 and subsequent dealings almost eversince up until '99 including the tragic circumstances of some years ago,I have found the organisation to be nothing but excellent.It is a shock to read on this board that the company is sadly not now in existance.However I certainly do sympathise with those who have lost money,not to mention the stress involved.

Dave,thanks for the Professional and funny lessons.A good experience.Good luck mate.

21st Aug 2001, 04:51
I totally sympathise with you mate. Im sure all the ppruners thoughts(including mine)are with you. I feel if this person did in fact know the company was most likely to go into liquidation then taking your money ,possibly thinking it may help the company bounce back, was a very disgusting thing to do and she should pay the price in a drastic way. But i agree we should wait to see ALL of the facts before we pass judgment.
I am only interested and i totally understand if you wish not to disclose it but i was wondering how much as a rounded number did this company take from you? its just that im praying you wont say somthing like £20,000+ because if that IS the case i dont know how you are coping because i probably wouldnt be able to.
kind regards
P.S keep your chin up! It will all get sorted out soon enough mate.

21st Aug 2001, 17:47

Thankfully it wasn't as much as you mentioned, but enough to knock me back financially far enough to have to consider working for several months after the ATPL's and before starting my CPL.

I wonder if the said person has read these comments from the people who have now wasted money with her ex company, and how she feels about it all?

Anyway not to worry like you say, I'll forget about yesterday, and concentrate on tomorrow!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

[ 21 August 2001: Message edited by: MorningGlory ]

21st Aug 2001, 21:57
Sorry to hear about your plight MorningGlory - it just goes to prove that as it says in the Clive Hughes book - Never, ever pay up front under ANY circumstances. All wannabes beware........

Nearly Man
21st Aug 2001, 23:24
Well, further to what I wrote yesterday.....the poor guy has had to leave cos PPSC wouldn't confirm how many hours the poor chap had done on his module....so, has to start the modules again....

Doesn't matter what they did before or if they gave half their profits to save the endangered red striped halibut.....it's what they do now that matters.
I'm sorry, but this sort of thing just shouldn't happen!

21st Aug 2001, 23:35
Although the said person will have known about the fragile status of her Company, this situation may have gone on for some time with major creditors (banks etc) meeting on a monthly basis to decide whether to withdraw the Companies credit facility or allow it to continue. To give up at the first sign of trouble would mean most companies calling in the Receiver at some time in their existance. No company is rock solid and even Banks have gone bust but it is still hard news when it happens to you.
Sympathies to all.

22nd Aug 2001, 03:22
Sorry to spoil the fun but Gail and a guy from SFT were very helpful and hospitable, when we were talking about a course they used to run. They may have problems now but it's only business, so why knock them for trying to get your cash?

22nd Aug 2001, 05:21
I feel its a great loss that future students will miss out on the most amusing and informative tuition available in the world. I am talking about Dave Webb's energetically delivered gratuitous inuendo. Its been 5 years since I heard his politically incorrect references likening a turn co-ordinator to the bosom on a lady of the cloth, and a thousand more memorable quips. As I daydream in the cruise or get into unneccessary aerodynamics arguments, DW's solid tuition allows me to raise a smile, or make the other guy look a twnull
I hope that this man is inspired to open a flight school to be run in his own style, I'm sure it would be a great success!
Don't think, just push!!

[ 22 August 2001: Message edited by: Awakevortice ]