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23rd Dec 2002, 20:38
I know that many of us in the last 15 months have been camping in warmer climes. Some however seem to have taken it too far!


Not sure if I'm laughing or utterly infuriated?:confused:

23rd Dec 2002, 21:04
Embarrassing, isn't it? Another wonderful example of our PC masters pussy-footing around in case of a future lawsuit. Talk about milking the system! Should have been discharged years ago.

23rd Dec 2002, 21:05
I haven't laughed so much in ages. Obviously, the Sun brought out its big guns (Chief Reporter et al) for this one, which makes the whole thing even more laughable.

23rd Dec 2002, 21:48
Someone must have a sense of humour, that after all the banter on PPRuNe of late from the light blue about the historically dubious sexuality of the dark blue, that the crabs pull a blinder and go public with their own fully paid up champion of the golden rivet!!!!:p :p :eek: :D :D :D

The secret of good comedy is, indeed, timing.

As I go laughing all the way to our next deployment, what do you think will become of this moonlighter now he has been exposed, as it were?

23rd Dec 2002, 21:49
If he has not been Medically Discharged, and is still on the Active List, then IF there is Military Action against Iraq it will require "all hands to the pump". Engineer Officers will be in great demand - particularly in forward areas!! Traditionally the domain of less Senior Engineer Officers.

23rd Dec 2002, 23:41
Sorry Guys, This is totally sick. Is this for real!?. How can this guy (or Gay) still be a serving member of Her Majesties Finest. This person would have, in my day, been given a good kicking for his troubles!

24th Dec 2002, 00:12
Regardless of his sexual orientation, who on earth thought that this man was officer material? Someone at OASC needs shooting....

24th Dec 2002, 06:14
...yet another example of PC gone mad! I though I had seen it all when the crabs not only facilitated the sex-change of 'Michelle' the armourer, but then commissioned him/her/it as a blunty. This story, however, takes the biscuit (and you wouldn't want the biscuit after where it has been!).

In days of old, when men were men and officers could even spell honour, this abomination would have had the decency to fall on his sword and resign his commission before there was any possibility of dragging his service down with him. Likewise, recently-imprisoned army officers would have gone quietly rather than kicked and screamed 'race card' and other PC claptrap to try and hold onto untenable positions.

What a privilege it is to serve Her Majesty in this way!:eek:

24th Dec 2002, 09:42
Put him in a mine clearance squad where he can meet his ultimate sticky-end. Seriously though, boot him out with due haste, give him the cash, and here no more of the unworthy toad.

24th Dec 2002, 10:16
You all know how I hate to spoil a good (?) argument with facts, but:
"Michelle" the armourer did not complete the IOT course, was not commissioned and has now left the RAF.
BTW, smartman, "Michelle" was EOD qualified..........;) ;)

24th Dec 2002, 13:39
What a load of self-righteous claptrap. How many officially endorsed fly-on-the-wall military documentaries have we seen with guys dragging-up (with worryingly precise attention to detail)? Off the top of my head, "HMS Brilliant" and various documentaries about the Royal Marines spring to mind. At least the subject of the Sun's fine reportage apparently restricted his antics to the confines of a gay club. I seem to recall the RM prancing through the streets of Exmouth, pi$$ed-up, in drag, for all to see.

If the guy was pulling a sicky, in order to run his business, then he should be disciplined accordingly. Is he representative of RAF officers? No. Is he representative of gay men in the RAF? No. Spare us the hypocritical rantings about 'political correctness gone mad'.

24th Dec 2002, 14:28

Don't think it's much to do with PC; I think your overall point is actually shared by all previous--------

A Civilian
24th Dec 2002, 15:29
OT: Ive got to say that the military really needs to get in touch with 21st century life. In my view homophobia is identical to racism, there is no difference.

24th Dec 2002, 19:30
Funniest thing I have seen since the Fish'eds failed to miss that well chartered cluster of granite of Oz.

For as long as I can remember someone has been swinging the lead and milking the system.

Not ex rotary is he?

swinging monkey
24th Dec 2002, 21:12
God, how this makes my blood boil:mad: :mad:

How on earth has this been alowed to happen and go on? Where was his/her Flt Cdr and Sqn cdr when all this was going on?? Where was his Stn Cdr??

Like Jacko says, how did this 'thing' get past OASC? I sincerely hope that there will be some kind of formal investigation, and those lunatics responsible for this are taken to task. I am so utterly disgusted and ashamed.

Mr Civilian, it's so nice to see you living up to your reputation, that of being totally at odds with the rest of us. Perhaps you, in your official capacity of being a professional model aviator, could find this fudge-packing 'sausage jockey' something to 'play' with maybe, eh?? Didn't you learn your lesson from another forum?? This is for REAL aviators, not lunatics like you that just 'play' at it with toys.

KennyR. I wish your comments were true still today. Regretably the days of being able to sort things like this out, at sqn level have long gone. Just the mention of the word 'Puff' will now get you a 'hat on' interview with OC A, and may even cost you your job, it will certainly blow any chances of promotion.
God help us all!

As for the in-fighting. It dosen't matter gents. This ar*ehole is an insult to us all, irrespective of what colour uniform we wear.

I suppose the next thing will be that the good Flt Lt will be promoted to Wg Cdr (by-pass Sqn ldr) and end up with the other ar*holes down at PMA???

Oh Dear, how appalling this is. I need a scotch, and a bl**dy big one!

Regards to all
The swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, pass me a bottle of Grouse'

25th Dec 2002, 00:01
Seems to be two issues here:
1. gays in the military
2. "working the system"
As for GITM I think we all acknowledge there have always been, are now, and always will be.
I'm a gay guy, ex-raf pilot at the not-so-secret Wiltshire airbase, who was booted out in the mid-eighties after a piece of misplaced confiding. For that I have regrets, obviously, but life has treated me well since and I count myself fortunate. I believe that the majority of my squadron colleagues thought well of me, and for me that is the most important thing. I am not bitter - I was aware of the QR's and failed to follow them, and am grown up enough to understand the consequences of my actions.

But this guy sure seems to have set the clock back 15 - 20yrs, aided and abetted by the nation's finest chronicle of note.
What I find truly awful is how he is just "working the system" for personal gain. His head and heart are not in the RAF and he should do the honorable thing and resign to pursue whatever business interests he wishes.

I would ask that he is viewed not as bad because he is gay, but because he is obviously devoid of principle. There is not an automatic link between the two.

adrian mole
25th Dec 2002, 08:12
An Armourer eh? I thought it was the electrician's who were called fairies...

27th Dec 2002, 13:10
I think the issue here, is this person "Working his ticket" in the most public way possible.

He's gay, so what? being gay doesn't mean you can't be a damn fine pilot/bluntie.

Remember seeing a documentary, on Gays in the Forces in WW2 , was stunned to see Ian "Widge" Gleed , a renowned Fighter leader, was as gay as they come, and predatory with it...

Apart from his alleged voracious sexual appetite , there is no doubt, that Gleed was one on the finest Fighter Leaders in the history of the RAF.... So, does it matter?

Just found some other references on Google, it might be worthwhile, for the more unenlightened amongst you, to take a look, it certainly made me think.

