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View Full Version : PPSC Demise - PAT to help with flying costs

Linda Mollison
15th Aug 2001, 14:12
Three cheers for Alex Whittingham for his efforts to help out the distance learning students!

Unfortunately, at PAT (Professional Air Training) we have seen it all before, know what it is like for a student to be left high and dry with a shortage of funds, and try to help wherever we can.

PAT of Bournemouth would therefore like to make some contribution to the flying side as follows:

For any PPSC student who has to enrol elsewhere to complete his/her ATPL (A) or PPL/IR studies (proof needed of enrolment at both please) PAT will allow a 5% price discount for all flying (multi, CPL, IR) up to the end of August 2002.

So, besides doing your training at one of the leading CPL/IR modular schools, you will get some help with the flying costs. Hopefully this will mean you have not lost out too much from the PPSC demise.

Although I realise that it is in our interests to do this, it is a genuine offer intended to help out those who have lost money to PPSC - so no rotten eggs in this direction please!

Linda Mollison

Wee Weasley Welshman
15th Aug 2001, 15:04
Linda - I think we'll take that offer at face value. Thank you.

There you go guys - an opportunity to salvage some money you may have lost.



[ 15 August 2001: Message edited by: Wee Weasley Welshman ]

16th Aug 2001, 02:30
May not sound much but 5% on an IR is serious cash! I easily passed my IR after some excellent tuition from Mark of PAT and apart from the smelly dalmation would thoroughly recommend them. You could (in theory) recoup most of your losses!

Well done Anthony and Linda. :) ;) :rolleyes: ;) :)

Facts Not Fiction Pls
16th Aug 2001, 04:53
Thank you PAT :cool:

16th Aug 2001, 05:17
The Dalmatian may be smelly, but has a lovely personality !

Seriously though, I can recommend the flying training at PAT, and learned some extreamly valuable lessons from Steve York, Anthony, Mark and Steve Hale.

Shame about PPSC. The staff there were very proffesional, and were an enormous help with my ATPL's. I hope you all find re-employment soon. I'm sure you will.

MDS :p

16th Aug 2001, 05:20
Didn't lurn how to spell though.


Remember, if one engine quits, shut both throttles, and the assymetrics goes away !

16th Aug 2001, 08:10
I’m a satisfied PAT student also.
I had Steve York and Pickett for my IR training there and I can vouch for the quality and professional standard of the training there. Don't judge the place by it's old WW2 bunker looks, it's the people that make up PAT that make it an excellent training organisation. Plus, having ex CAA examiners train you helps out by getting a lot of practical tips from them for your flight tests! :D

All the best to those affected by PPSC.

And oh, the Dalmatian (Bruno) is a permanent resident there and he's charming and very well behaved!

17th Aug 2001, 11:44
As PAT is rapidly becoming the only place to do a ME/IR, I'm just thankfull that I'm booked in to start next month, confident at having selected the right place.

Oh, and I've not met Bruno yet, but does he help with the patter in the sim?


[ 17 August 2001: Message edited by: Polar_stereographic ]

18th Aug 2001, 17:25
As I was somebody doing the self improver route, including going to good old PPSC, I can also recommend PAT.

I appreciate that some of the airlines prefer 509ers because they expect to get on average a good product, whereas with the small schools out there they usally have to wait and see. The thing with PAT is that it is small, in old buildings and with a dog that steals your lunch but that is made up by the excellent instructors.

Steve, Mark, Terry and the others have all been there and are genuine interested in getting you to pass asap and appreciate that you are spending a lot of money in the process. I was lucky enough to have Keith Pickett as instructor for the IR and don't think that I could have wished for a better instructor. Flying on his off days to speed up my training, experience as examiner and commercial pilot in light twins all over the world and just extremely thorough. Every flight was an exam and thus the real exam (as a matter of speech only...)relatively easy. Result: Full pass first time!

So if in doubt go to PAT and don't let the appearance of the facilities put you of, the aircraft (well twins that is) are great and the staff excellent! :D