View Full Version : Did you self sponsor your type rating

16th Dec 2002, 15:03
I posted this the other day on the wannabes forum. Of course the majority of pilots in current employment are not browsing wannabes, so I’d like to post the same question here. I’m specifically looking for information from people who have paid for type ratings themselves. I would like to know how their lives/careers were affected following these ratings.

Self sponsored type ratings
As someone who gets more desperate for a job everyday I’m considering forking out some more of my hard earned cash on a type rating.

Now over the years a lot of people have paid different amounts of money for ratings, on various aircraft. The arguments for and against self sponsored type ratings have been around for ages and everybody has an opinion. So without going down the pros and cons avenue, for those of you who have paid for ratings, I’m curious, what did you do, who was it with, was it expensive, how long before you got the job…or are you still waiting and was it worth it?

Any info would be appreciated.


Tibesti 3415
17th Dec 2002, 00:54
Do your self a favour, save your career and money.
If you dont have an outfit that guaranty you a job after buying
a type rating you are gambling with your money.
I know a few guys who bought a type rating 737/A-320 none of them even got an interview out of it.

God Luck. :)

17th Dec 2002, 02:23
Do I or don't I?? That has been the question I've asked myself for the past three years!! I have seen three people (buddies of mine) pay for type ratings, and they are all now employed by airlines. At the time I decided not to waist my money!!! I'm now 35 have a Jar Atpl H/A and over 4600 hrs (Mostly In Helicopters Offshore).

If I would have completed a type rating, three years ago, along with my buddies, I too may be flying a 737 and not still here flying rig pigs to oil rigs..

17th Dec 2002, 16:39
Its a tough call, I paid for a Shed rating because it was cheap and I thought it would show a potenial employer that I was commited. (or should be!!!). The tiny charter outfit that I paid did'nt offer me a job as they indicated that they might so I was really p****d off at the time. However, 2 months later they phoned up and offered me something to start the next week! Sadly I was in Spain at the time and did'nt get the message for 2 weeks!!! Anyway, should you or should'nt you? I think on balance that you should IF there are people hiring for that aircraft type, at that time. If you come along with a 73 rating when someone needs 73 pilots at a time when they are in short supply then it will probably work since you've saved them at least £18000 traing costs and salary. If you are in a general recession then I don't think the type rating with no line experience is worth a light.I happily(?) fly a320's now so it does work out in the end. Best of luck.