View Full Version : Wannabe Info

28th Jun 2001, 18:41
Having worked in the City of London for four years, it has finally dawned on me that I really don't want to be stuck in an office for the rest of my life.

I have therefore started looking around for a total career change and have recently seen the Sponsored Pilot Training Scheme currently being offered by BA.

Would appreciate it if any one out there who is currently on this scheme/recently qualified, has any thoughts/info regarding this oppurtunity as well as any further help for a newbie like me, i.e good websites, publications e.t.c.


Simon W
28th Jun 2001, 18:46
Just have a good read of all the posts on this forum. Buy yourself the magazine called 'Flight International'. This is where most of the big airlines advertise when they're recruiting. As you will beable to tell from reading the posts on this forum, getting onto a sponsored scheme is no easy thing. There are very few places and thousands of people apply so you really gotta stand out (don't ask me how, I have no idea). According to the press however you couldn't of picked a better time to become a pilot, alot of old pilots coming up for retirement about now.

Good luck,


[This message has been edited by Simon W (edited 28 June 2001).]