View Full Version : should I quit my day job in Canada? Help please

8th Dec 2002, 02:59
Hi all,

Currently flying senior position on Canadair RJ with Air Canada Regional in Toronto, hold British passport and am interested in Easy. Should a guy really consider obtaining a JAA licence in order to have a crack at Easy? What are the working conditions really like there and how would the pay really compare to the cost of living in the UK.

Any idea how much a conversion would cost and where would you recommend doing it? Any reply appreciated.

Greeting from the great white NORTH


8th Dec 2002, 20:44
Not to be rude or anything, but if you ask on PPRuNe what career move you should do with your experience, maybe you should stay where you are.

There have been numerous discussions about easy, they should give you a pretty good idea what live here is like.
Make up your mind from those and create a well balanced decision on your career by what you think is right and not by what others say you should do.

Anyway, good luck with your choice.


8th Dec 2002, 23:30
Cost of living 2x Canada if you look at what 1 CAD buys, then look at the exchange rate, and realize 1 GBP buys the same or less then that should give you an idea, When I come home it's the only time I find the GBP of any worth as in Canada it buys 2x as much, Taxes continuing to go up all the time. Gas @ around 2 CAD/ltr. Houses near Luton their main base around 500,000 CAD for something 1/2 the size of what that would buy in Ont.
Sorry, but unless you have to I would stay where you are.

9th Dec 2002, 08:03
Just out of interest, why the move? Are T's and C's that bad, where you are? Luton or Toronto, Hmmmm that's a tough one!

Tell you what, I will job swop.:cool:

Count von Altibar
9th Dec 2002, 22:44
I would stay put. The standard of living in Canada is much superior to Easy or Emirates. The Canucks in both these carriers tend to be there due to lack of work in their home country, not because it's their 1st choice.

10th Dec 2002, 19:48
1st.choice Stay put

2nd. choice Emirates.

3rd.choice Stay put!

4th. choice UK if you don't mind halving your standard of living for same pay!

13th Dec 2002, 02:00
Go Easy!! That means I move up one number! :D